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OT-ish proud of my mom

Lady.Tremaine's picture

Hope everyone has been doing ok with everything going down. Things aren't great here but I've thrown complaining to the wind as I'm voice is to deaf ears so I'm beginning the semi disengaging process. Here's a decent story to brighten at least maybe my day. 

So my mother finally started seeing someone a few months ago. Well seeing someone to the point of telling me. She never remarried after my father. Had a few engagements but the last one was over 15 years ago. Guy was in the midst of a divorce and left my mother once she got a cancer diagnosis. Great guy... -_-

 New beux is about ten years younger with a teen daughter. They've all met and everyone was getting along. Apparently the daughter may be trans or gay which her bf was discussing. He gets very upset and says he'll leave the kid with her mum if that is the case. That it would break his heart to have a kid that way

My mother has announced she's leaving him unless he figures his s--t out. Now I understand a lot of folks aren't understanding when it comes to homosexuality but that was my mom's line in the Sand. Get over your kids preferences and love her ( or him) as they are.  I can't say how proud I am of my mom . We all deal with crap from our spouses and it was a figurative kick in the face that even at 60 plus she has standards. That I put out with some of the crap I do, that a lot of us put up with crap that's far worse. I'm so proud.  


DPW's picture

I'm really needing to hear this tonight so thanks so much for posting. I'm so impressed with your mother! What a role model!

Lady.Tremaine's picture

She's made me so proud that I'm ashamed of myself. If she can do it at her age and not put up with garbage people than why should we? Ok I mean I but I know a lot of folks here would agree.

SteppedOut's picture

Absolutely fantastic! 

One of the many reasons I left my formerSO. Major bait and switch from him. He hid his horric homophobia and racism until he thought I was "trapped". 

No way I wanted to be around that mess...or have my son grow up around all that nonsense! 

Good job momma tremaine! 

Lady.Tremaine's picture

I'm still surprised someone could be that way especially when it comes to their kids. We have a lot of awful kid stories but I don't think a single soul here hates their stepkids based on things they can't change.

Proud of you for moving on for the sake of your little!

SteppedOut's picture

My formerSO said he would disown his kids if they were gay dated someone of a different race. 100% believe he would.'s picture

Character matters!  Are you kind?  Do you try to make the world a better place?  Our sex or race or gender doesn't matter at all.  Let's all try to be human please!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

We have so many bigger problems to sort today. Personally I'm more interested in a person's character and values than in what goes on in their bedroom. Nobody's GD business.

You mom rocks!

Livingoutloud's picture

Your mom has standards! How wonderful 

I can't believe some people are still so ignorant and narrow minded.