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That Didn't Last Long

thinkthrice's picture

Looks as though the Animal Torturer SD21, has quit her job at the furniture store (or was let go)  She took it off as being her job on social media.  The new furniture selling has also come to a halt on Pumpkinhead's site OSS23.5 as well.


ION the HouseShitter has managed once again to fail all the midterms and all subjects EXCEPT for Varsity Chorus.



GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

LOL! "Varsity Chorus" continues to make me chuckle every time you mention it! ROFL

advice.only2's picture

I'm telling you the Gir should write a book on how to totally and completely f@ck up your kids.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

She'd definitely have no shortage of co-authors! I think they should all get together, hold a worldwide BM Conference, and write The Official, Complete GUBM Bible. Complete with tips on How to PAS Your Kids, Cheating the Welfare System, Writing Passive-Aggressive Texts, How to Spend Your CS on Yourself, How to Cry for CPS Caseworkers to Get Them on Your Side, and, very importantly, How to Be a Perpetual Victim While Making Yourself Look Like M*ROFL*OTY.