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Girhippo Wears A Pink Princess Tiara

thinkthrice's picture

For her 50th birthday!  Pumpkinhead (OSS 25) posted the photo in social media.  In the photo is StepDaddyBigBucks, the Gir wearing a kids party pink princess tiara (GAG), the Animal Torturer, BattleAxe Galactica (Gir's enmeshed BM), Pumpkinhead and his Fiance).  Looks like the photo was taken by the HousesHitter (YSS19)

There's more truth in jest!


Ispofacto's picture

Is she still getting royalties for her staring role as the dancing hippo in Fantasia?


advice.only2's picture

I thought people without souls didn't age?  They just slowly decayed from the inside out?

thinkthrice's picture

There is probably a portrait of her in her attic getting more attractive by the day

Merrigan's picture

Lol BM here just turned 51. My sister in law came to me at Easter dinner and said "SD17 is telling everyone that mommy's 51, but everyone thinks she looks 29. Wtf". It was a fun night.

I turned 40 last Nov and all I got from SD17 was "wow, more baggy pants?  Mommy says that means you've given up in a relationship."