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Morning from hell - Long entry. Lots to say.

misscinna's picture

So BM dropped off all skids on Sunday evening, they had been there Thursday night thru Sunday afternoon because skids were off school Friday thru MLK day. I wanted them on Monday for myself because they have been begging to go to my moms house and my mother finally found sometime in her extremely busy schedule (sarcasm) to get them. Saturday sd15 texts me and says sd5 is sick. Vomiting everywhere, has a fever the whole nine. I tell her to keep an eye on her for me. BM is flaky about that stuff, sometimes she is right on and other times not so much - recently sd5 fell through an enormous hole in the floor to the basement of BMs shitty half finished house and got huge cuts from her hip to her armpit, what does BM do? Puts Vaseline and a homemade bandage made out of duct tape, band-aids and paper towels on it. MacGyver himself couldn't even figure out how to get that thing off. This time she was properly medicated and made to rest.

Anyways, that was Saturday. Sunday she brings them home, says sd5 has been doing just fine and just as the words come out of her mouth ss3 projectile vomits all over the porch, himself, his coat, SO and BM. They send him inside to me, she books it (don't blame her) and I end up trying to peel vomit encrusted layers off of him, shower him, medicate him and pray he doesn't puke in the tub! Needless to say I tell mom - No go. Another time. sd9 gets really upset she cant go considering she is the only one not sick. Not my fault kiddo. Middle of the night sd5 shits pants in the middle of the night. Following morning, I call off work due to vomiting, crapping children. Thankfully they are all off school already. Day goes by fine, fairly normal meals, no crapping uncontrollably or puking. I think OK worst is over. There's a 24hr flu going around - must've been that. Wrong. WRONG.

6:30am today ss3 comes in and informs us that he has thrown up downstairs. What the heck he was doing down there in the first place is a mystery to me. I squeeze my eyes shut and pretend to be asleep so SO has to get up and investigate. He comes up a while later. Girls get up to get ready for school. Then the mayhem begins. sd5 comes in yelling about ss3 who threw up in front of their room and the bathroom blah blah blah, phone rings its the high school - sd15 threw up, come and get her. SO and I flip a coin to see who does what. I get vomit cleanup and school get off for sd9 and sd5. Cant find sd5 boots ANYWHERE. School has a strict policy about winter wear otherwise they sit in the library for recess. In the process of looking I discover dogs weren't properly locked in sd9's bedroom last night so they left me many presents all over downstairs area rug. Still looking for boots - step in dog piss on area rug upstairs. Feel like maybe, just maybe someone or something is going to die. Still haven't addressed carpet vomit. Get sd9 and sd5 off to school. SO comes back with sd15 and runs frantically upstairs to get ready for work. Then the cleaning begins. Mopping floors in kitchen where ss vomited. Bleaching everything I possibly can, cleaning bathroom etc. I quarantined ss3 to his bedroom with movies and toys and books. Like hell I'm getting sick. I get sick and the whoooole operation stops. SO is trying to get ready for work. He's hollering about being late and needing lunch. I stop my attack on the upstairs vomit carpet and make him some lunch. He discovers that he can't eat what I packed. Remake lunch. Shove him out the door. Just as I start to think that MAYBE I can eat breakfast he calls me to ask if i can drop paperwork off to his lawyer. I'm thinking sure - let me just pull on my wonderwoman panties and get right on it. Hang up with him. Remember sd9 had DR appt at 8:30 that got lost in the shuffle. Call and resched. Start dishes and vomit/shit laundry. I've already thrown away any shit undies. I'm beyond cleaning them, plus I paid for them - BM hasn't contributed one single thing besides 1 pair of shoes for each of them in a year. I can throw the undies I paid for away if I want. Will I eat today? That is the mystery of the day.

Secondary thought:

Every time sd9 is let down by some stupid shit from her mom she gets upset with SO and I. Its getting really old. BM lost her snow pants and so she calls me Sunday to let me know BM will not be purchasing her another pair because she can't afford it and that she will need some for the week. Great, girlfriend I am tapped OUT. We have what we need to get through and not much more. No one will go without the essentials and I told her she would just have to wait a couple more days and I'll get her a pair. Well she gets all pissy and upset cuz she can't do recess with her friends and she has to be inside etc etc. I so badly just want to say "You know if your deadbeat mom would pay anything for your care we wouldn't have this problem now then would we? If your mom wouldn't lose or destroy all the crap we buy you you would still have your brand new pair from last year. BM won't help, BM won't pay, BM won't do anything besides slap some food in front of them on the few days she is with them. sd15s bday was Sunday, she was upset to go on her bday but her mom threw such a hissy fit that she felt forced into it cuz BM tells her if she doesn't come she doesn't get any birthday or Christmas presents. BM got her 1 present and took her to the mall for her 3 hour time limit because BM's bf had stuff he needed to get done and he wouldn't watch any of her kids. It is up to us to provide them with EVERYTHING. Presents, Christmas, School clothing and supplies, you name it, and we do so why does sd9 get so pissy with us when her mom is the one who won't contribute to their care?? Why does it fall on me? sd9 makes the excuses "well mom doesn't have a job" and she and her mother don't believe she should have to pay anything. Explain to me how it is my income is just a given in sd9s little mind but her own birth mother doesn't owe a cent? It really frustrates me that we have to make up for BMs shortcomings. She screwed everyone at Christmas. We already knew that would be the case so we did Christmas the same as if they weren't getting anything from their mom. All of them came home disappointed and in a shitty mood because they each got 2 things. THEN sd9 gets upset with me when I wont let her take a bunch of her new Christmas stuff to BMs over New Years! Her house is like the black hole of Calcutta. Everything we send there either doesn't come back OR is destroyed because they have no supervision. I buy shoes. Kid steps in dog crap, BM throws shoes away. Sends kid home in 2 size too big football cleats. WTF? I send clothes. Kid comes back and I can't even recognize the shirt. It's gotten to the point where SO won't send them in anything other than "BM visitation clothes". We call them play clothes. "Kids lets change into your play clothes to go to moms! We know you guys play a lot while you're there so lets get you into something more comfortable!" How sad. Why? because I can't afford to replace 3 pairs of ss3 pants when he comes back home in shorts in December. I cant stand sending sd5 to school in koolaid stained holey shirts. They eat constantly at BMs and it shows on their clothing. If she wants to buy them clothes then she can let them get ruined all she likes. SO wont send gloves or snow pants. They NEVER come back. Ever. I have replaced 6 pairs of sd5's gloves, 2 pairs for sd9 and 4 pairs for ss3 since December alone. I feel horrible sending them improperly dressed but I have 25 days a month and how the hell am I supposed to explain to their school "Oh sorry my kids look homeless and never have gloves - their mom doesn't send any of their things back home".

Why are we just expected to make up for BM? SO offered her an extra evening during the week to have them after school until bedtime. He even offered to extend their bedtime so she could have them more than just 3 hours or so. She said it was a waste of gas to not have them overnight. That she just couldn't afford the gas to drive here. Then sd9 a few months ago sat there telling me her mom was sad that she didn't get to see them more often and that BM didn't think it was fair that we have them more than her. She said that BM doesn't understand why she cant just have them overnight and take them to school the next day!? Maybe because they are never there on time. Maybe because you live 25 minutes from their school in another COUNTY. Maybe because if you feel like keeping them home you just call the school say their sick then they show up the following day with a suntan and stories of their day of fun. Maybe because I get nasty letters from the school saying that weds nights homework is never done. Maybe because you can't afford the gas remember? But no seriously, she should have them on school nights. My sd9 is constantly worried about our gas situation because BM has run out of gas trying to take them to school the one time we let her. She's always saying "I can't have my birthday party there - its too much gas to get there" I'm like tell you what you be 9 and I will worry about gas. I got this. Thank God this year SO said enough is enough. No more overnights during school nights.

Oh yeah so why is it our job to make up for BM's typical failures?!


sasha101's picture

I'm with you, we have the same problem with skids BM. She won't work, sits on her fat ass claiming welfare and whines about having no money. She's a waste of space and a drain on society, and produced another kid to father unknown just so she could stay on welfare and not have to get a job. My MIL died recently and we didn't think it appropriate to take SS8 and SS9 to the funeral. For BM to agree to have them, we had to give her money for food as she claimed she couldn't afford to feed her own kids - pathetic!! But she still manages to get new tattoos etc, but won't contribute anything towards clothes, shoes, school uniforms etc. Yet she's all over Facebook proclaiming how much she loves her "gawjus" (her spelling) boys and acting like MOTY. It's sickening and I just hate these lazy, selfish BM's who reproduce and then expect everyone else to provide for their children while they sit there feeling sorry for themselves - disgusting!!

imjustthemaid's picture

BM is also on faceboook claiming she loves her "dautauh" but has no custody, never sees her, does nothing for her, pays nothing, doesn't work but can also afford 9 tattoos, also has 2 kids to unknown fathers, lazy, mean and so scary that SD will probably turn out just like her even though she lives with us!!

misscinna's picture

I think some BM's see their kids as property. Doesn't matter if they have custody or see them or not. If she squeezed em out - they belong to her. They even come with titles with moms name on it! (social security cards and birth certs lol) We'll just scratch that part about the dad on off of there. I have to admit though, even my mom is that way. She always saw all of us as personal property and that makes me even more annoyed to see BM's do it to their kids. Good luck with your SD. I just got lucky on mine, but i have 3 more to encounter bullcrap with so there is still time! lol

imjustthemaid's picture

I have to say I give you ALOT of credit for taking care of these 4 kids because I cannot even handle my one SD15 and 2 kids of my own(DD10 and BD3).
Our BM is like your BM. We have full custody. BM does not pay child support, does not have visitation, does not buy bday, xmas or any other presents or anything at all for that matter. Rarely sees SD unless she needs a babysitter for her 2 other kids. Never ever has gas to come and pick her up (we live about 20 min away from her) she expects me to drop off/pick up whenever she decides to see her daughter. And I am starting to feel resentful that I have to deal with SD15 and she doesn't! SD is just a mean, selfish little bitch to everyone and I am so sick of it. BM should have to deal with her own child once in a while, give me a freakin break!!

Well I hope your day gets better and the kids start to feel better!! I wish I had your patience!!

misscinna's picture

Well thank you, my sd15 is a dream. She loves the pants off of me and I her so I really feel that makes it easier. She was on team mom in the beginning but mom let her down again and again and we were the better people and didnt say squat. Sd15 has full realization that what she wants or needs will never be as important as what BM wants and that is not the case here. We have our moments of teenage drama but I very much feel it is teen stuff and not stepmom stuff. I leave a lot of discipline to SO when its the big stuff and whatever I cant control I just let go of. When she first came to live with us I thought she was going to be a lost cause. How wrong I was. She has done a few hurtful things in the beginning but I have a thick skin and a short memory. I think as a stepparent forgiveness is often the name of the game. I apologize too, I admit when im wrong and I try and make everyone laugh and that seems to be the recipe to making my stepfamily work. Also I never let my skids pasts dictate how I treat them. Past is past. Just cuz BM did such and such once I wont allow that to be an excuse or crutch for their behavior, mine or SO. Today is a new day. We will live as we are one day at a time.

imjustthemaid's picture

Thats so good that you get along with her. My problem is that when I met DH it was just him and SD (age 10 at the time) so she was/is so jealous of me and DD 5 at the time. Now we have a 3 yr old together and she is coming unglued! She is so jealous mostly of my daughter who is now 10. She goes around telling MIL and anyone with an ear that DD10 is so spoiled and gets whatever she wants, blah, blah, blah but the reality is that DD10 has only me. Her father lives 600 miles away, grandmother (my mother)lives 300 miles away, she has nobody to take her shopping for things she needs. My MIL lives for SD but hates my kids and does nothing for them.

SD has BM's mother, my MIL and rarely but sometimes BM to take her shopping/out to eat. So sick of her badmouthing me to everyone. I try to do equal for all kids but sometimes its hard when SD comes home with 10 new outfits from MIL and DD has no clothes so what am I to do? I can't win. For Christmas MIL got SD her 4th pair of Ugg boots (the high ones that are $179) she got BD3 a few t-shirts and DD10 a sweatshirt. I ended up having to get DD10 snow boots and SD was pissed even though she also has new snow boots.

Its getting worse and worse.

misscinna's picture

Ugh that sounds so ugly. I wish you the best of luck and am grateful i have the situation i do.

I think for me its easier not having Bios because I don't have to deal with anything like that. Honestly I think if I did have bios the younger ones would be really upset because it would take my undivided attention away from them and they are used to having mine and SO's attention at our house. At BMs they have to share BM with their older sis from a different man, older sisters 1 year old son (shes 18, you do the math) BM's boyfriend and his 5 year old son, 12 year old son, and 15 year old son let alone share her with each other as well. I mean that's like 11 people to split time and attention with. Impossible. BM's bf wants all her attention just on him so they get sort of left in the dust sometimes. That's where I come in. They have me all to themselves and SO when he isn't working all to themselves. The nights he works late it is just me and them which means all the time is on them for the most part. Individual attention for homework, games, bedtime etc. I think having a baby would seriously wreck their mojo and would stir up a lot of jealousy and other such things. That wont stop me but I have plans for that when ss3 is in Kindergarten. Then everyone is a bit older, more independant and IN SCHOOL!!! Hopefully everyone can adjust well...I am nervous about it though.

misscinna's picture

Seriously! I don't get how some of these women have no housekeeping skills or what! At first I thought she was doing it to aggravate us but then the one pair of shoes she bought each of them went to her house and came back destroyed too! I felt better after that, that it wasn't a tit for tat thing and I relaxed a little once I understood what I needed to do from then on. My issue is that on the rare occasion when she does send stuff home for them it is generally stolen. She has slowed on it now that she is on her last shot at probation before prison for felony shoplifting (this is why she has no job. she stole thousands of dollars from her last job), but occasionally things still come home that are clearly stolen. When that is the case I just donate it. I feel it isn't right to reward her for stealing by having them wear the clothes. Better to give them to a good cause than have them flaunt her stolen goods. What really got me was when she takes them shoplifting.
Here's a fun fact. All my kids are banned from 3 different malls in 2 county's because she has been caught shoplifting with them with her. They have gone to the police station twice with mom in cuffs, and SO has picked them up once before she was hauled off. Last Christmas we extended her a Christmas gift and bailed her out of jail on Dec 22 for stealing. I honestly think its a psych problem. I do have to laugh that the last time she got caught was cuz ss3 threw a bunch of items she had stashed in his stroller out onto the floor - tags and security tags still on them - right in front of store personnel. She tried to run, and when sd9 asked what was going on she told her "its a misunderstanding - i was going to go pay for them at another store" hahaha. C'mon - you gotta laugh.