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SS11 Movie outing update

WifeVersion2.0's picture

BM called DH today about yet another last minute kid event. Little does she know we have already printed a schedule from the website, DH already knew about it and wasn't planning on attending. Smile

So, since he had her on the phone, DH asked her about SS11's trip to the movies last weekend and apparently she DID know that there wouldn't be any adults there but figured it was OK since it was a group of 11 years olds and it was in a public place. :? Because a group of elementary kids is somehow better/smarter/safer than just a couple of elementary school kids.

Let me tell you, I don't feel comfortable at the mall/movie theater that she dropped SS11 off at. I sure as heck would never drop off my kid (even the 14 year old) by himself. Her response "well I trust him". OK....And you trust every other person there too?

For a 'FULL-TIME MOM' who can't work because she's too busy being a "MOM" she sure SUCKS at it!

There isn't anything DH can do but he made sure to tell her that he doesn't agree with what she did and it would be documented and brought up at their next scheduled mediation and that the rules at our home are obviously going to be very different.

Oh well, I guess if she is going to let him do whatever he wants then maybe I don't have to worry about the skids ever coming to live with us.


SillyGilly's picture

For a 'FULL-TIME MOM' who can't work because she's too busy being a "MOM" she sure SUCKS at it!

I wish my BM would just get "I AM A MOM. SO I'M IMPORTANT. CUZ I'M A MOM" tatoo on her forehead because she marches around announcing it to everyone. :sick: