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Do I end this or am I overreacting?

WifeVersion2.0's picture

I'm trying to decide if I should stay, or if it's time to call it quits.

DH and I got into a nasty argument a couple weeks ago over SS yapping on his Xbox at 1:30 in the morning. Long story short, it escalated unusually fast and DH pinned me by my throat against the bed. I was in shock, got up and started packing a bag for my son and I to leave. DH told me he'd "rather I didn't leave" and I didn't want to wake my son with the drama in the middle of the night and I didn't really feel I had anywhere to go where I could just calm down and collect my thoughts. So, I've stayed so far, it's been two weeks. We haven't really argued about anything since then.

My problem is, I can't let it go. A similar thing happened with him about 4 years ago, I still wonder if I should have left then. I don't know who to talk to.....if I tell my family, there's no turning back. I'm not close enough to any of my girlfriends to tell them and I'm too embarrassed to bring it up to them.

I don't think I'm happy here, I no longer feel safe. I feel like I'm constantly biting my tongue and walking on egg shells so I don't upset him. We don't enjoy the same activities (other than sex) and I constantly feel like I'm living HIS life instead of one I want.

I'm scared to leave and start all over again. I'm nervous about the financial impact it will have on me and my kids. We don't have any kids together, so if we split there's no lingering ties to one another.

Was this just a fluke thing? Or have I become one of those women who refuse to see the writing on the wall?


SM with BM from hell's picture

I think when someone puts their hands on another person they claim they love, it's time to go. Not only has he done this once but, twice. The more it happens the more "normal" it becomes. I feel you owe it to your children to model healthy relationships and what should not be tolerated from anyone.

twopines's picture

It's not a fluke, because he's done this before. I don't imagine you'd like to keep going through this every few years. I'd leave. I don't need much to be happy, but I do need to not be married to a man who keeps assaulting me. That's ridiculous.

WifeVersion2.0's picture

Thank you all for responding. I was pretty sure of the answer. It sure sucks to walk away from something I worked so hard and sacrificed so much for. But it's going to be even harder to walk away when it happens again after another four years.

Now it's time to devise an exit strategy. This blows.

ChiefGrownup's picture

You won't have to wait 4 years. The intervals will get shorter and shorter. That you are walking on eggshells is very telling.

Yes, leave. Absolutely.

WifeVersion2.0's picture

I can't afford this house on my own, and I don't need a place this size for just me and my youngest boy. My oldest is away at college and will have his own apartment this summer. I have a call in for an adorable town house in a perfect area for my son and I that I can afford on my own.

I figure we just walk away with our own stuff, hopefully there won't be any unnecessary fighting over who gets what. I haven't told him yet that I'm leaving.

WifeVersion2.0's picture

Thank you for the reminders....I often wonder what happened to that version of me. I've never been one to take crap from anyone. I've been a mostly independent woman since I was 18. Never felt like I needed to stay.

My self confidence is shot. But I'll get it back, one decision at a time. It's amazing how living with someone like this can make a mess of your head so slowly that you don't even notice.

goingslowlycrazy's picture

I understand this completely. I'm in the same situation..I know I should leave but I can't seem to do it takes a lot of courage. I left a 20 year marriage for this man. What a fool I'm going to look. I don't have anyone to talk to either

hereiam's picture

If it was just a "fluke thing", you wouldn't feel unsafe and be walking on eggshells two weeks later.

He's an abuser. You said you feel like you're living HIS life; not your life, not a life the two of you share. Sounds like it's time to leave.