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Quick Wednesday funny - OR - new nickname for ASS??

WalkOnBy's picture

Because I don't call ASS ASS at home, I have taken to calling him The Anarchist. DH usually smirks a little bit when I say this.

Last night, we were heading up to bed when he turned to me and said, "do you know if the AntiChrist is home?"

I laughed so hard I damn near peed my pants. I told him that I didn't have any idea if he was home, didn't care, but I did love the new nickname.

He laughed and said he thought it was fitting.

That is all Smile


Willow2010's picture DH used to call SS "Little Nicky"

Remember him? I used to scold him for it but was really laughing on the inside.

Tuff Noogies's picture

touché, mr wob. }:)

has he issued any further manifestos or demonstrations of non-violent resistance via duct tape?

WalkOnBy's picture

nope - not one thing.

DH and I were talking the other night after yet another conversation about how The AntiChrist refuses to put dishes in the dishwasher, close cabinet doors, basically how he does the opposite of what he is expected to do just to be a DICK.

I said "he DOES know that he just keeps digging his grave, right? He DOES realize that he is going to have to get the hell out of here when he graduates, right?"

DH very quietly said, "yes."

Now, I don't know if they have had "the conversation" or not, but I do feel bad for DH realizing that his kid is just an ASShole, a jerk just to be a jerk. That must suck.