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no one else understands!!

vgill's picture

I love this place , we allneed to vent once in awhile, about our biokids or skids, but who do you vent to about skids, you kcan't vent to the bio parent because they think your attacking their kids!! this place is great!!! I can vent to other step parents who understand and can offer great advice without judging you to be a bad parent but understand that you might be having a bad moment instead!! and Parents who don't have skids don't understand!! they think if you venting your being hateful, not true!! just need someone to hear what I am going through!! I really appricieate this place and the freedom it offers, because parenting is the 2nd hardest job in the world step parenting is the hardest!!! anyone else agree or am I just blowing smoke!!??


vgill's picture

It is sooo nice to know that I am not alone in my thoughts, feelings and frustrations!!!It is a great relief to be able to experess myself and recieve support and understanding I can feel myself destress and unwind here!!!