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skids moved to their BM's house, what a difference!

vgill's picture

It has been awhile since I have been here, but tha skids moved to their BM's house a year ago, and what a difference it has made in our lives! It isn't all for the better though, their BM is an idiot and has NO RULES! so you may be able to understand thier willingness to live with her when even the skids think she is a B!tch. but oiur relationship with the skids has improved, we can have real conversations, without fighting, they no longer have this big contempt for me or their father, and we seem to get along better and the time we do spend with them has alot more quality to it!
Our Biokids are happier without all of the conflict in the home, and so are we, I tell my DH that we got the best of both worlds without knowing it , we got to have the skids when they were younger and alot of fun, and now that they are 14 and 16 we don't have to deal with all of that teenage angst!! I guesss things could be better but they could always be worse!
