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ARGHHH!!!! I am so tired od SS12's rotten attitude and mouth!

vgill's picture

OK! So I thought we were having a breakthrough with ss12. I was ignoring him and so he tried hard to get my attention, so I only validated positve behavior! well it worked for a total of 6 days!! The F'ing little brat is back !! All mouth and bad attitude, although i had to laugh this morning my bs7 told him off, SS12 was trying to get bs in trouble while they were getting ready for school and ss12 was bugging bs7saying he was going to miss the buss and he shouldn't be doing something, bs7 said" what I do is none of your business, and when it is your business I'll let you know, now leave me alone!!" LOL!!! Oh how I wish I could tell ss12 off like that sometimes but I have to be the grown up!!(so unlike bs7 to say things like that but he is getting tired of ss12 trying to get him in trouble) tattletaling makes me mad, I know whats going on and unless someone is hurt or hurting some one else I don't need to hear about it. kids don't need help getting into trouble they do just fine getting into trouble by themselves!! I've had it though I'm going to tell this little brat off next time he crosses me, I'm not taking his shit anymore!!


Angel72's picture

Vgill, just because you 'disengage' and ignore him doesn't mean that when he does something wrong you say nothing. Nope, if he gets out of line you tell him off...then you exclude him on activities etc..etc...
ANd encourgage your kids to stand their ground when he does get abusive.
I'm so proud of my ss. last time he came he told his sister to 'shut the f up!" and he walked away from her. She held her guard cause i was there to witness it but i'm sure if it was at their mom's house she would have physically attacked him. SHe was restraining herself.
Dont fret, keep doing what you are doing and when he's out of line, give it to him. and your dh should also pile on the punishment.
If both of you are working on him , he'll either fix himself or break and run for mommy.