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Need some of ya'lls "pick me up's" Beginning to think I married into the ex family!

tryingtomakeit's picture

Ok...I know the definition of divorce. I am a child of a divorced family and lets just say growing up my two familys communicated through me. I was the only link to both sides. My dads grandmother sure in the hell did NOT call my mother and chat it up!

I married a man that still talks to his ex family all the time, its not a cordgial hello and bye from time to time. I have to say he does not call the ex grandmother but she sure calls and talks to him a lot. It is really a weird situation.

The one piece of privacy I thought he had was FACEBOOK (yeah, I know). He had not added the ex-grandmother and things were going great. She is really bad about wanting to tag her name on all the pictures (even ones with my child).

Well, he added her last night and it has put me in the worst mood becasue I feel that was one connection or thing that the ex's could not see and were not involved in.

I am telling you it is weird. She is tooo Friendly. Like to the point its fake.

My husband big line is...its for the kids. Well, I am sorry if it was for the kids my husband and I would not be together because the ex would not have went and slept around which caused the divorce. I am sure my husband had his faults in it. It takes two.

But, I am so bummed about the facebook add. Like I said, that was the one place where the ex family was not and now they are.

Now, I plan to just post pictures of our child...two can play...I will not post anymore pictures of his kids. Im done.

I know that may be wrong, but I have to put up with enough weird stuff with the ex's I am not going to have my facebook blon up by the ex grandmothers comments.

I feel sorry for the guy that the ex wife married. I am telling you the ex grandmother acts like they are still freaking married!


whatwasithinkin's picture

you can mark it so people cant see pictures or before they are tagged you must give permission, change your settings