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SO finally deciding to make BM pay child support

truebloodfreak's picture

My SO who I've been with 3 years has been taking care of his boys for the past 5-6 years without any help from.BM. I asked him yesterday if BM was going to.send money for school supplies. He said he didn't know. I told him he needs to make her pay child support because she does nothing for her kids and used them to get a link card,housing money etc. She sees the like once every two years. My question is how should my SO go about getting child support. They weren't married and his older son isn't even biologically his. So he was told he will get CS for only the younger one. Please give me advice, suggestions or stories from experience with CS from a BM who is out of state


Rags's picture

I would just file with the DA's office in your county if all you are after is CS. As for his older son not being his BioKid .... that should make no difference. If he wants to prevent BM from trying to take the older one he needs to go after custody or guardianship which means a trip to court.

It sounds to me that she has already abandoned both the Skids so DH getting custody should not be too difficult.

I recommend that you get a lawyer.

I like that SO and you are going to nail her worthless ass to the wall on CS. Get the money then get visitation stopped. At least that is what I would do. BM is not an influence I would want my kid's exposed to if I were your SO.

Auteur's picture

EXCELLENT! It's about time these deadbeat bioMOMs were held to the same standards as deadbeat bioDADS.

Blaze that trail!!!

Away with double standards and bring on the REAL equal rights (and responsibilities)!!

overit2's picture

Ughhh, this sounds like my cousin-except she hasn't seen them at all in about 5-6 years I'd say. She doesn't have a pot to piss in so I doubt them going after CS would help-particularly out of state.

If your dh has filed abandonment the state can terminate her rights-at this point I'd say this...if you WANT her involved in the kids life, go after it. If you dont'? I'd let it go.

Personally I love Rags-but ethically I think if you're having the visitation stopped or every right as a parent stripped and they have nothign to do w/the child- I find it ethically wrong to go after CS in many ways-but that's just me-and one of the few points I disagree with him on.

truebloodfreak's picture

FYI there has been NOTHING done legally. She basically just abandoned them and pops in and out their life. There is no court order or anything. As far as visitation goes I don't she would care, she hasn't seen a year or sent any money. Can my SO do this without paying a lawyer????

simifan's picture

WOAH!!!! One kid is not biologically his? I'd talk to an attorney first, and make sure BM couldn't swing back in & Take him

Jsmom's picture

I would move to terminate her rights. If you do, she is still supposed to pay CS. Pursue that first with counsel. I do think that BM's should have to pay CS....Good luck.

NotThatTypical's picture

If they terminate her rights completely it's basicly legally killing her. She would no longer be consider the mother of the children and would there for not be responsible for them in any way. So no she wouldn't still pay child support on anything going forward.