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I will be part of my step kids lives forever whether I like it or not

truebloodfreak's picture

Because I have a baby with their father. After 4 years of living together and some recently bad fights. I no longer live with my son's father and his kids. But since I work M-F 8-6 my ex baby and I have to pick him up after work. I know that I can't be the only.person in this type of situation. I'm reaching out for others who are "kinda step-moms." If u read my blog then u know that the boy's BM is a deadbeat loser. so I was the main mother figure for a while and now I'm just there to pick up and drop off my baby. I disengaged a while ago with them but now it ackward.
Please share your stories or advice if you're in or have been in a similar situation . I would really like to know how you do it


Totalybogus's picture

Can you get help with childcare and take your baby somewhere else? If it is causing you stress, you need to change it.

hismineandours's picture

I cant remember if your former skid was bad news or not. This would frighten me to death-the idea of sending my child over to dh's (after a divorce)with ss there too. Much less a helpless infant. In fact I'd probably end up being a nasty bm and refuse. Sorry no helpful advice.

truebloodfreak's picture

I'm looking to see if I can get daycare assistance.or something. My parents are older and can't watch my son for 9 hours a day. I don't trust my stepsons alone with my son. I have HUGE trust issues when it comes to who watches my child because I'm terrified of him being abused in any many of my friends and family.members have been molested by people very them, even siblings. so yes I might be a bit more paranoid about my 17 month old baby around a 9 and 14 year old alone or unsupervised. I want my sons father there at all times and ever.left alone. I step sons love their.little brother but I don't know what goes on in their minds. I i would.really love to believe that they wouldnt do anything to hurt him. But i dont how their emotions work i.dont know how they feel about their dad and me.breaking up. I'm so confused and worried.