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Thisagain's picture

I'm a 33yo male living with my girlfriend 41, and at the time of writing, her teen daughter.  When my GF first begged to me move in with her, her two older teen boys also lived there making it 4 people in the house total.  Her kids are now 21, 20, and 17.  It was the first time not living with my parents, so I was nervous and a little apprehensive about moving into someone else's house, especially when they have 3 kids.  Not that I have a problem with young teens or kids, I do very well and honestly, growing up in a home that was a daycare for kids of all ages, I could definitely raise a child  a lot better than some of the ones that actually have one given I have the resources.  I'm not talking down about other parent just giving context, I have lots of experience with children and teens.

Looking back at the beginning not, I definitely should have got out way before any of this relationship melted into this mess.  I should have listened to my brain when it told me to think it through more because it might not be a good thing to take it to the next step.  Plus when we first met she was still married, it was abusive and not a good situation. That should have been my first sign not to go to the next step, but again I ignored it because I loved her.  Now I feel like I'm stuck and I don't know what to do or how to go about doing it.  Mix that with. My mental health and you got a mixture for a good show.  She told me after we had been together for a few months that she had mental health issues as well, which I was fine with because, I can jusge someone for something I have too.  At close to maybe 6 months to a year in, things were really horrible.  She says she doesn't remember, but I most certainly do.  I was in a long bout with my depression, six or more years of feeling like complete shit. And her body decided that it wasn't going to be shown up by my MD, so it kicked in high gear and took us for a hell of a ride.  But being raised the way I was and being the person I am, I wouldn't give up on her, and I didn't.  Almost a year of her constant breakdowns I had to endure.  Ugh it was miserable all the crying and positive reinforcement, and just basically trying to do everything I could to help her get through with hurting herself.  In dealing with her, I couldnt really focus on getting myself better. But again, I needed someone special and I loved her so I didn't think about it.  But it was probably one of the hardest things I've had to deal with, my mind trying to kill me, and hers trying to kill her. I'm not sure how I made it past that.

Now, all this time I had never met her kids.  She talked about them but I never met them.  The things she told me we're mostly good, the rest sounded like normal teen stuff. Again no problems with kids, just the way they were raised.  So after a lot of poking and begging me to come live with her, I agreed and we talked about all the things we needed everyone to do to make things run smoothly.  The rest we would work out as problems or whatever would arise.  I went over to meet her kids in person for the first time.  They seemed nice, good looking kids, we talked a little and I was surprised that they already knew I was going to move jn. One of my worries was that I was just talking the spot of he ex and I didn't want them to feel like I live here now, I control the house, so I treated them like I would want to be treated. I knew that this wasnt Really my house, I'm basically a tenet.  I gave them privacy, if they needed help I helped,  I helped cook, clean, helped with homework, took them places, I pay a majority of the families really high rent and help with other things if they need me too. and I dealt with listening to their family issues and constant fighting.  And once I moved in they basically never talked to me.  I would try to ask them questions to get to know them, but it didn't work.  Half the time they didn't even speak to me.  That should have been a red flag.

But again I loved her and I don't like to give up on things just because they are hard so I let it go best I could.  Until it got worse and I found out the families true colors.  I also found out that these kids were not the same as the ones she had told me so much about.  They had no structure, they talked to their mom howeithey wanted including cussing, yelling, lying, the daughter turned out to be a clepto.  These kids did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, no real rules.  Now I'm very understanding, I'm chill and try to keep myself calm and I usually get along with everyone. But I'm living with these people now, and I have to deal with it.

This is only the beginning, but it was new so I wanted to give it a chance


Winterglow's picture

No, you don't have to deal with it. Move out. Love is not enough to put up with a life of misery. Do not make yourself a martyr! This is no way to live. Find yourself an appartment and ove. By all means, continue to date her if that's what you want but you need your living space. 

Thisagain's picture

If I could cleanly leave, it would be horrible but I could do it.  There's other things that I just can't ignore that make it difficult to leave

Winterglow's picture

What exactly is keeping you there? We can best help you when we have a fuller picture of the situation. 

Thisagain's picture

My girlfriend had been through a lot.  Pretty much every other relationship she's had, had been in some way extremely abusive, outside of ours.  Her kids arent the best to her, better since I've been around and have made her parent and stand up for herself, but still they pretty much walk all over her and she lets them.  The rest of her family is pretty shitty too.  Her mother was a shitty parent and she wasn't raised with much of a true parental figure that made sure she didn't get herself in trouble, which I assume is why she's has it engrained in her brain that the way things are are normal and nothing to worry about.


Anyway, her mom's fucking crazy.  She helps my GF with a lot but she also causes a lot of stress.  Her brother is an ass and while in the surface seems to be a normal brother but he couldn't give two shots about my gf.  He would more rather help a friend he just met than his own sister.  Her older sister is the only nice one but she's a little coocoo too.

Something inside me just doesn't want to give up on her and attempt to some semblance of a decent relationship.  I'm sure I'm not a joy to be around, in fact I know I'm hard to deal with some times. But I'm like the only person around right now that's not completely shitty to her.

Probably about a year in, the mixture of my depression, and her depression and mania and just everything , I broke and told her I didn't want to do it anymore and let's just say it didn't go well.  She broke down and threatened to kill herself.  Knowing her and her problems I fully believed that that was something she would and could do. So I stayed.  I couldn't deal with the thought that she would die if I left, regardless of if it was my fault, I caused it.  My life already sucked, I was depressed, lonely...I hated my life anyway, so if I could possibly keep her from doing this that would be better.  I'm already miserable so why not use it to save someone I love.

Cut to last year.  I got to that point again and told her I was leaving.  I left to go stay with my dad.  I was gone maybe 20 minutes and I got a bad feeling and so I turned around.  I found her in bed with a bottle of pills on the floor.  She could barely stand up and she was sluring her words and with how many pills that could have been in the bottle I instantly knew she did what I had feared.  She followed through and I had to call the ambulance.  So now I know that if I leave, she can and will do it.

Thisagain's picture

Also she signed a contract to rent this shit house we've been living in. The landlord raised it to $875 and we barely pay for everything as it is.  If I leave they will get kicked out.  She's also terrible with money so neither of us have the funds to make it alone.  She has so many bills and I can't stand being the reason she's homeless.  

Shieldmaiden's picture

If you have lived with your parents until you were 33, you may not have the experience necessary to deal with such a complex relationship. Being a step parent is hard, even if you don't have mental health issues and you have had lots of relationships. Give yourself a break and find a single gal your age, with no kids. Have fun and date. Don't jump into this mess if you don't have to. There are other fish in the sea. 

Thisagain's picture

I moved out when I was like 25.  I haven't been in many relationships no, but they were long and very complex.  The problem in having is that no they are not my kids but she won't even accept any help or advice.  I'm fact she does the opposite.  And none of them make the best decision or choices.  I feel like I'm the only one that's trying to help them to where they aren't going to be a problem for themselves or for someone else.

Harry's picture

There is establish family dynamics already in place. .  As kids do what they want, no rules,  In relationships there are rules, in familys there are rules.  You have to go to work. That's a rule.  
Any normal person can not live in a house with no rules.
Mental issues are passed to the kids.  So they might have mental problem also. You have to move out  Do it now before before you get more involved 

Thisagain's picture

Yes, everyone involved has some kind of mental illness.  There's other things keeping me here.  

CLove's picture

A great place to vent. And understand that you are not alone in this. Thank you for your backstory. It realy helped me to come here and tell my story and no one is judging you.

So, everyone on here will tell you to leave. We have several members that have done it, many in secret. So we can outline and detail all the steps involved. However you mentioned a few times that "there are other things keeping you there". If you feel comfortable mentioning it, that might be helpful for giving advice. If you dont well, then vent away, we have some great advice for those who are trapped with no avenue of escape and are biding their time or simply not ready.

It sounds like a miserable existence. Come back and give more detail as you need to.

Thisagain's picture

I mentioned in another reply.  But basically she threatened to kill herself the first time I tried to break it off about a year in.  Things did get better with that but the kids did not get better.  I told her when I first moved in that I would help, but when it came to the kids that was all her, she could be theb one parent and if she needed backup I was there.  But mainly I let them do their thing.  I didn't reprimand set rules, or tell them what to do.  I would be nice and talk to them and interact but that's it.  She agreed.  Then she would ask me questions on what to do or ask to help which I would, but then she would get mad or just straight up ignore what I said .

I finally got the two older boys to go out on their own, but the daughter is still here.  She comes off as nice but she is just horrible to her mom.  At this point I have to fight with my gf to get her to parent and stop letting her do whatever because she's going to get in trouble some way.  I'm trying to help make the people decent enough that they can make it out with other people and not be a burden on society.  But what do I knowi got tired of it again earlier this year and left to staryvat my dad's.  Got a bad feeling and turned around v she had taken a while bottle of Ambien that I had been putting excess in.  

Now I'm afraid because she's done it twice and I know she will and can do it if she wanted to when I left





StrawberryPie's picture

This again, 

Is she pregnant?  Is that the reason you are staying?  You are so young.  You don't have to sign up for this life long disaster. Move out!  We can help support you through it. 

Rags's picture

Unconditional love does not mean unconditional acceptance of bad behavior.

You cannot love anyone until you can love yourself enough to recognize that if they are toxic, for whatever reason, they are not for you.

Take care of  you. 

ESMOD's picture

When someone says they will kill themselves if you leave?   Leave.  I mean seriously dude.. you are not responsible for her mental health.. her happiness.. for her life.  you just are not.  Just like she is not responsible for yours.  And.. just because you understand that mental health issues don't make you a "bad person".. it may in her dynamic make her undatable.. or a poor match for you.  I don't think this situation sounds like one that will be healthy for you long term.. and think you need to make your exit plan honestly.

Thisagain's picture

I don't know what to do.  I don't want to leave her.  I don't want to be alone.  She's the only one outside of my family that I have.  We have animals, I lose them too.  

I'm afraid