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Well I Would Be Embarrassed!

thinkthrice's picture

But not the Girhippo!   The lates and truants keep piling up for YSS (stb 17)  aka the Houseshitter.

This one was especially embarrassing:

"YSS skipped an after school detention assigned to him for a previous offense. This detention had already been rescheduled with YSS and the Girhippo, due to YSS having to leave school early on the original detention date."

So Mommykins aka the Gir reschedule YSS's detention for her widdle man and then he BLEW IT OFF!


         "YSS has his phone out and was asked to put it away or that I would take it. He told me "you cant take it you don't pay for it". I told him I would take it and hand it over to Mrs. Teacher. A few minutes later I asked him if it was in his bag or his sweatshirt. He said yes it was in his bag. When I walked back to him to make sure it was in fact away it was sitting right next to him."

And here was the (GASP) consequence; a word FOREIGN to the Gir:

"Cell phone was kept in Main Office the remainder of the day. Al future cell phone referrals will result in the cell phone being kept in the Main Office until a parent picks up"

Another interesting bit of info is that these latest referrals state that YSS DOESN'T have an IEP, 504 or an FBA.  In fact we just received paperwork that the Houseshitter indeed is being continued on as "speshul ed."  aka a Ferality IEP.

As an experienced BM who raised her children properly,  I would be horrified with embarrassment but the Gir is unable to see anything wrong in her parenting or her children's ferality!!


MisplacedMom's picture

Can I just say l love your phrase "ferality IEP" because my SS has one, and I never knew how exactly to label it.  BM in my case sounds so much like Girhippo when it comes to school.  BM recently told use how great SS is doing school despite the fact that we can log-in and see that he is in the office 4+ times most weeks and his highest grade is a D.  Yup, doing great!  BM apparently lives in an alternate reality I've not visited.  Maybe her and Girhippo bump into each other on occasion over there in Pretendland.