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Despite Truancy, Failing Grades and Not Enough Credits Earned to Graduate

thinkthrice's picture

The HousesHitter is allowed to play lacrosse.  Just saw a fresh new photo of the HousesHitter (YSS 18) standing in uniform on the field flanked (for real) by Battleaxe Galatica (BM's BM) and the Girhippo (BM) on social media.  The Gir is proudly holding a bouquet of flowers.

Yes this is his Senior year but he has failed 11th grade English as well as 12th grade Math, Science and Global Studies.  I think he's done one "credit recovery" class and eight of them are outstanding.

 He, for example has "taken the day off" without excuse this past Friday as well as today.   This is a pattern in this school district with all three ferals since the teachers and admin staff are the Gir's contemporaries and school chums.  The school district is, after all, the Gir's alma mater and she's done enough arm twisting to make exceptions for her brood that would rival a World Federation Wrestling Association. 

All three ferals have always been allowed to do extra curriculars despite their abysmal attendance and grades.

The photo is truly awful as well because the huge HousesHitter, well over 6' 2" tall, is wearing socks and sandals instead of his uniform lacrosse cleats.  e


advice.only2's picture

Not surprising really, Spawn was allowed to participate in all senior activities despite failing all classes and having poor attendance. When DH asked about it the schools response was that despite her poor attendance and failing grades Spawn was not a disruption or disciplinary issue. So pretty much they don't care unless you are a problem or cause them problems.

thinkthrice's picture

it is the incessant pot smoking that is making him mellow!  Otherwise he would have disciplinary problems like he has had in the past with other kids.



CLove's picture

Failing a class and D's in two others. And all the hoop-jumping I did so that she could get into an "in person" elective course.

Culinary. So, the parental units drive 35 minutes one way for one elective.

But hey - bright side is that he will in fact srt of launch, hopefully, right? Community colleges take anyone with a pulse.

halo1998's picture

so he managed graduate by the skin of his teeth.  He did have to do credit recovery after sophmore year and Junior year...ya know cause being a rap star won't get you a passing grade in English.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

It's disgusts me that schools push students through and hand out diplomas that haven't been earned, but it seems to be a numbers game.

We were able to send YSD to one of the best magnet high schools in our area. Kids from throughout the region worked hard to get into this school, which offered a couple different specialized academic programs. YSD was a crap student with no motivation and poor study habits. By her sophmore year, she had been moved to the easiest classes, where she continued to fail but somehow always managed to get Cs and Ds. I was shocked when told that making kids repeat a grade wasn't even an option. It became clear they were going to push her through regardless - got to keep those stats up.