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For Those Who Have Wondered About This Age-Old Question

thinkthrice's picture

Is it POSSIBLE to fail an open book test?


WHY YES IT IS if you are YSS16!!!

Just WOW!


ndc's picture

I've never wondered - I've known the answer for awhile, because I've failed an open book test.  I HATE those things with a passion.  They're way harder than regular tests and they are usually much more time sensitive - the kiss of death to a perfectionist slow test taker.

I'm guessing since the SS has accommodations that maybe his open book test wasn't a typical one, though.

thinkthrice's picture

like his older siblings, especially SD20 won't even glance at anything if perceived to be distasteful. 

If it isn't varsity chorus then F it!!!

ndc's picture

Hey, at least he's passing varsity chorus!

I'm sure the Girhippo is taking much credit for that stunning achievement.