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Eighteen Illegal Absences/Lates Since the Second Week of September

thinkthrice's picture

Yep, since SD started 10th grade, she has chalked up 18 illegal absences. The school sent a letter on it.

Not surprising since OSS would routinely cut class yet he barely graduated because the school district factors in high grades in froo froo subjects that are given the same weight as the serious subjects.

Only OSS started cutting class in 11th grade in this sort of manner.

Of course I won't tell Chef about this because he has a loooooooooonnnnnnnng track history of polishing a turd. . "well I used to cut classes too and I turned out just fine" Then he secretly builds resentment knowing his kids are POS and gets angry with ME because my bios were overachievers.

I'm sure the BM will do something drastic like cut down movie night for SD at her friend's house to 4 times a week.


DaizyDuke's picture

wouldn't make a damn bit of difference if Chef DID have custody. Same as my Disney DH.

When SD16 came to live with us 2 years ago, she was failing 9th grade, no chance of passing. Of course DH blamed it ALL on GBM and BM1... oh they don't make her go to school, or they were too lazy to get her there, blah blah boohoo. Fast forward to the present... SD16 BARELY passed last year, we got numerous letters about her attendance, tardies etc. and this year while her attendance hasn't been bad (for her) she is currently failing THREE core classes, like MISERABLY below 50 failing.... So tell me how it is GBM/BM fault now???

thinkthrice's picture

^^^^^THIS^^^^^^! Chef is just as much a non-parenter (SUPER GUILTY) as the BM!! I've seen him in action on every weekend visitations. NOTHING would change.

It would actually get much worse for me.

Remember, Chef wasn't parented himself. He's an "oops" baby from aged parents who were too tired to parent and just let Chef run feral.

IMHO NEITHER of them should get custody. All three should be placed in foster homes and the BM and Chef should be snipped.

The IRONY that the BM works for CPS/Foster care as a supervisor and that she herself had a foster kid for about 10 nanoseconds because she couldn't handle him and didn't know how to parent is just HUGE!!

DaizyDuke's picture

Really???? So all of those times he was leaving school while your DH was out of town and raiding your refrigerator, he was leaving illegally? Interesting....

thinkthrice's picture

This particular school district is the BM's hometown and alma mater. She is in bed with all the administrators there. (figuratively speaking, hopefully)

She promises they will do better, becomes slightly less of a slug parenting for a couple of weeks and then right back to square one.

OSS was cutting classes major league in his senior year and the school district did nothing.

This same school district told Chef that his opinion didn't count in the final analysis because he is not the CP.

thinkthrice's picture

That and the fact that the BM IS a CPS worker in her county. She knows all the CPS/court officials, her boss is one of her BFFs. This county is one of the more corrupt counties in NYS. Which isn't saying much.

thinkthrice's picture

Also, the BM is practically mayor of her hometown. She knows all the school officials and administrators as they are all her contemporaries and her BFFs.

I got screamed at by a coach a few years back for simply requesting a sports schedule for OSS on behalf of Chef. She screamed that either myself or Chef MUST GO THROUGH THE BM to get ANYTHING on behalf of the skids. Then she hung up.

The coach happened to be one of the BM's BFFs. The BM always "promises that the skids will do better." It lasts for about a couple of weeks and then it's back to square one again.

She's the "MOTY" type, which is MUCH more difficult to "prosecute" for non-parenting than the overt druggie meth head type BM.

She goes to church, gets involved in all the activities and then says she is TRYING SOOO HARD (TM) then gets her kids labeled as "challenged" or "learning disabled" via doctor shopping because they are "pooooooor, piiiiititiiiful C.O.D.s which has scarred them for LIFE!!" (TM)

DaizyDuke's picture

I know you are in NY so SD gets 18 absences for a one semester course and 36 absences for a full year course... which means she is most likely going to fail on seat time alone. Oh well, let her. SD16 learned this the hard way in 9th grade. She had to double up and take her 9th grade classes with her 10th grade classes because she refused to go to summer school. She is a JR and STILL behind from that 9th grade fiasco... but again, oh well.

At this age, these kids have to have at least a tiny shred of responsibility in getting to class and completing assignments along with involved parents who impose consequences for absences and poor grades... but that would be FARRRRRR to much work of either in this case.

thinkthrice's picture

Exactly! NO WAY would I deal with PASed out skids who hate me and think their father should continue to be guilty and their slave.

In that case I WOULD move out and have all of them evicted and here's why:

Chef would then be concerned about keeping custody if the courts thrust it upon him. He would be less likely to present a bad image to the courts and less likely to do "payback" to me should I evict the whole lot of them.

However, he made it VERY CLEAR that he doesn't want custody or the return of visitation to the attorney; he KNOWS deep down they are MESSED UP due to over a DECADE of PASing by the BM.