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My stepson is making my life hell

Terri54's picture

I have been married for almost ten years. My stepson's BM died when he was younger. He learned from a very young age how to use this to his advantage and how to manipulate people by getting them to feel sorry for him and giving him whatever he wanted. This includes his father. So when I came into the picture, there was a child who had rarely heard the word "no" from anyone. As soon as he could not manipulate me or get whatever he wanted from me, he had NO use for me. But he was told by other members of the family how lucky he was to have me in his life. Trust me, he doesn't feel lucky. I believe his hatred for me is so large that if he could truly act on his hatred and get away with it, I wouldn't be here.

My husband says the reason that his "acts" like he does towards me is my fault. I never show him any kind of love. This now teenager doesn't want nor has he ever wanted love from me. He wants what he wants, when he wants it and nothing else matters. He might even confuse getting what he wants with love. I'm not sure. We've tried different kinds of counseling but counseling only works if you let it and participate. He does not.

I'm truly scared my marriage is in serious jeopardy. My husband believes everything his son says and everything is completely my fault. I just don't know how long I can live like this anymore.

Any advice?


oldone's picture

Did your DH spell it out before you married that you were expected to dote on his spawn?

My SS had a mother who although employed in a good job was mentally just "shut down" at home and provided zero mothering. DH would really like me to love him but I can't force myself to love someone who pathetic and horrid as my SS.

I grit my teeth and tolerate SS (an adult) on occasion but it's probably very obvious that I am just tolerating him. I really do go out of my way to be at least pleasant to him. I know that my DH would choose me though if I ever pushed it.