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FREEDOM Update: Attorney Blocked STBXH

StepUltimate's picture

An update to my blog from a week ago (linked below):

On Valentine's day (Monday this week), my attorney emailed STBXH stating all communication should be via my attorney. STBXH tried saying that was unnecessary but my attorney politely but firmly shut that down. 


I finished all the paperwork this week & attorney sent me full version to review & sign. It's so freeing & a little scary to have the truth of my financial situ all in one place - knowing how jealous & entitled STBX feels, and how he might drag this out to try to juice me. Even though he's BROKE & cannot afford his own attorney.

I filed in the Fall, and between December 31 & now, my retirement account has increased by $10k. I also got a huge raise & a big bonus check after STBX moved out. Reading the Community Property guidelines on my state's court website, it sounds like STBXH is not entitled to that since he moved out (into an apartment he rented in the Fall, after he was served - of course he has xSS22 living there) and filed his response later that same month. 

So things are looking up and I cannot even tell you how nice it is having STBXH blocked on my phone & on notice from my attorney to leave me alone!!!




Cover1W's picture

My sister's ex drug out their settlement too, over the most insane things. She eventually offered a cash deal, as she figured out he didn't want to pay her every month - she said fine then upfront now. He agreed! After months and months of stupid arguments.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

But take care of you and make sure STBXH doesn't try to approach you in real life.  

StepUltimate's picture

The good news is that the one time STBXH put hands on me - in my home before I filed for the divorce when he still lived here - I IMMEDIATELY got real loud & yelled KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME! He was mortified and left right away, later telling me he could have gone to jail if the neighbors heard & reported (STBXH already has a DV record from before my time). I knew our windows & the neighbs windows were open at the time.  

I wasn't going to let this entitled bully hurt me without ALLLL the neighbors knowing. 

thinkthrice's picture

I'm glad you are on the other side of the ordeal but be careful