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MMM and SS and BS and GRANNY Oh my!!! Part 2

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I think my granny has completely lost it! She called me this morning at work to BITCH at me about my DD19 not getting her Depo shot. (she couldnt get it b/c her insurance lapsed. But she will have it back in August). She can get it then. Granny was saying that DH and I have to pay for her to get it NOW ($113 for shot). I told her NO. DD19 is a grownup with a job and her insurance will kick back in next month. She proceeded to yell at me about if DD19 gets prego that it will be my fault and my problem to deal with. NOT HERS!!! LOL
1. DD is grown if she gets prego it is NOT my fault!
2. granny pretty much raised DD and DD has lived with her for the last 14 yrs.

Then granny goes off about my DD16 buying a tablet. She has worked all summer, bought ALL of her school clothes, saved $$ for car, and wanted to buy a new tablet. She earned it, and I think she deserved it!

Now about BS......
If you read my other blog, about him seeing his PO. I came home today,from picking up DD16 from work, to find PO standing on my front porch! He is looking for, more like hunting BS. That email I sent him, has him pissed off, that BS didnt listen to him at all. IDk what is going to happen....but oh well!!
