My emails with BM this a loss for what to do next.
If you've followed my backstory, please read on. If you haven't, you might be confused. FYI we are on week #3 of moving to an EOW schedule, which is more days a week than our stipulation says. It is 23 days til our wedding, and we have a 6 month baby. SD6 is not FDH's child.
Email from me to BM:
Hey there,
I just wanted to give you a heads up because I'm fairly certain that FDH hasn't talked to you about our issue with next week. He's trying to work it out but by the time he figures stuff out, it will be really late notice for you.
FDH's boss mixed up his weeks with his schedule, and scheduled him to work EVERY night next week until 9:30. As you know it's kind of crazy around our house right now for the next few weeks, so it would really help out if you could keep SD6 those days next week. And actually, after I was thinking about it a little, it might be better for SD6 to stay with you since next week will be her first full week back at school....let her get acclimated to being back in school and the daily grind without having to do that AND go to 3-4 different households (ours, yours, biodad's, biodad's mom's) in one week's time. That's a lot of stress on a little girl....what do you think?
He's trying to find people to switch shifts so I'll make sure he lets you know for sure.
Let me know your thoughts.
BM's response:
I’ll just keep both the kids during the week until you guys figure things out. Thx.
My response:
That's not necessary. It's FDH's visitation time with SS3 so we will still take him.
BM's response:
FDH and I can discuss this, but thx for your input.
My response:
I'm just trying to help out the situation by making sure we're all on the same page. I know you don't want me involved but I am trying to be proactive with communication as I know that is not a strong point between you and FDH. Ultimately I SHOULD be involved in these conversations, especially when it directly affects me (as I would be the one caring for both of your children all next week). FDH will talk to you later to discuss, after he figures out some schedule stuff.
BM's response:
I have no problem with everyone on the same page. But when it comes to our children he should be the one coming to me with issues or concerns, which clearly has not been the case the last month. Also, it is not my decision that you take care of them at any point in time FDH is not around..that is between the two of you. It just seems to me that maybe handling the three kids now is more work then you guys expected so your trying to maybe push SD6 out of it slowly, but surely because she isn’t FDH's biological child. He fought for her plenty when we broke up and now it seems that your trying to tell me/him things should be otherwise. I understand not everybody gets the situation, and I never asked for your approval… but I am asking that you respect the situation regardless of your thoughts and we can all figure it out.
So what now? Back off completely from all of this, from pushing to get BM to have her daughter more often, what? BM obviously doesn't get that the point is that we are now taking SD6 even MORE than we were taking her just a month ago....and she just expects us to do it. SD6 HAS A FATHER who is in her life and WANTS to have her more often. What doesn't BM get about it?
Did I go too far? Am I coming across as being a big baby in all of this?
Ugh. I just don't know how I should feel about it...but right now I feel like a HUGE ball of anxiety. and I'm praying I don't run into her at the daycare pick up tonight.
- SteppingUp's blog
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Deep breaths! Shes crazy. You
Deep breaths!
Shes crazy. You clearly were just trying to inform her on some stuff thats taking place, for her to make a decision about visitation in her response is rediculous. You probably should've just left it at the first message and not kept responding.
Also in the future have a set you can write "H and I think itd be best if..." instead of interjecting what seems like your opinion, its a combine dfront as it is in your house.
Thank you. I'm kind of
Thank you. I'm kind of spazzing right now....between tears and anger and anxious feelings about discussing this with FDH when I get home...not sure if BM has texted him a storm about it or not...etc....
Thanks for the suggestions. I know I shouldn't have kept responding but I couldn't resist. Story of our life with this try and try to make her "get it" and she just doesn't get the point. She changes the entire subject.
Notice not ONCE did she mention what is best for her daughter. She didn't respond at all about that we are looking out for her thinking next week will be really stressful for her. GRRRR.
did you discuss this
did you discuss this arrangment with FDH before contacting her?
You probably won't like my
You probably won't like my answer. Just fair warning. And this is coming from a SM who had a skid in the home who wasn't the bio kid of me or DH.
YES, I think you pushed too far. BM sounds very nice and respectful to you, and sounds like she nailed you on the head.
You ARE trying to push SD6 out because she's not FDH's bio. You've stated that on here, and said it's because SD should be with her "real dad." I think BM eloquently stated the facts...your FDH fought for SD when they split up, and the only reason there's an issue now is because of you and the new baby.
If it's too busy and crazy for you going into your wedding, why are you only too busy for SD and NOT SS? I think BM called you out when she said she'd keep both of them.
Your FDH needs to be handling this. This is between him and BM, and the arrangements in your home are between FDH and you.
Back off from all of this. I
Back off from all of this. I agree with her that all communication should be between them. It is up to the Bio Dad of the 6 year old to force the BM to let him be the "Dad". Just leave all communication to the Bio's.
I think she is nuts given how she has handled the entire thing and you don't want to feed into it. Your DH will have to step up and communicate with her.
First I would make it very
First I would make it very clear to my dh that he needs to start stepping away for sd6 period it is confusing the poor girl. I would also not email the bm anymore and make dh do it. Or both of you sit down and do it together with his name in it.
I would also tell my dh that he is not responsible for sd6 and she has a dad and he needs to start remembering that. Especially as bm jumps on it at every chance she gets to remind you that you are not her mom nor ss3 mom.
I would also use that as ammo when dh does the same, see if doesn;t feels so great does it?
You guys have got to stop taking sd6 she can't be going back and forth all the time to so many house holds. and your dh needs to start making it clear with bm that only ss3 is his and he will only take ss3 and if she wants to withhold him if sd6 can't come then you will see her in court. It has to be ripped off like a band aid to the bm! Trying to do it slowing is causing more harm then good for sd6.
You would make it very clear
You would make it very clear that he needs to walk out on SD?!? Because there's no blood there?!? I don't think the GIRL is confused. She knows she has a bio dad and a step dad.
Just because new SM doesn't like the arrangement does NOT mean it's wrong, unhealthy, confusing, etc. for the girl
Ok I said what I said for
Ok I said what I said for what I would do. And yes I would do the very same thing she is doing. She is not his kid and she is only 6 she will be fine. She needs to get to know her dad and going between as many house holds as she does is NOT healthy! I'm sure she is confused even if she doesn't show it. There are things that she doesn't quite get as she is only 6.
It is not fair for her fdh to expect her to accept a child that is not his it is hard enough to be a step parent to the kids that are his let alone to a child that is not his.
I do think that he needs to take ops feeling into account as he is MARRYING her! And her feeling are that she really doesn't want to be a step mom to a child that is not his!
"It is not fair for her fdh
"It is not fair for her fdh to expect her to accept a child that is not his it is hard enough to be a step parent to the kids that are his let alone to a child that is not his. "
If this was the situatioin when OP hooked up with DF, then he sure as hell should expect that she accept it.
I could never, never come into a man's life and then start removing children I thought didn't belong there. I also can't imagine I'd be with a man who'd let me!
"If this was the situatioin
"If this was the situatioin when OP hooked up with DF, then he sure as hell should expect that she accept it."
I agree with this. If the child was present when they met and started dating, she had a choice then. You can't change every life situation to conform to your wants. You either accept things as they are or keep moving on.
I don't agree that because she is only 6 she will be ok. A lot of damage has been done to kids that young. Hopefully she WILL be ok because it doesn't seem like there is a lot of stability in her life. I'm really feeling bad for a lot of these little ones who did not ask to be in these situations and are suffering because adults put their own needs before the child's. (Not necessarily in this situation, but just in general)
Oi Vey, If I hadn't read some
Oi Vey,
If I hadn't read some of the OP's previous blogs, I might agree with you. I recommend that you take a look at them. This is a really unusual situation, and the OP has handled it quite admirably. I do think that in this particular instance the BM looks a bit less tension-fraught than the SM, but the substance of their exchange does show the SM to be taking the little girl's best interests to heart (i.e. beginning of school), while the BM hit a rather low blow (though it may be a true one) by suggesting that the SM was out to remove the little girl from her FDH's life. In this case, context is really necessary. I don't think that there are any easy answers for the OP, and I don't think that she's callously trying to remove loved ones from her FDH's life. It's not as though she is forbidding her FDH from seeing the little girl. The crux of it simply is, what is best for this little girl? To be shuttled between three or more households every month? To spend more time with her former step-father than her real father, who is (belatedly) taking initiative? Mind you, OP's FDH has no legal rights to this child. What if she grows up this way and decides that she wants to live with them when she's a teenager? There are difficult decisions ahead, and many of them will have long-term repercussions. Please don't oversimplify the matter.
I don't think you should be
I don't think you should be initiating communication at all with BM regarding parenting time. That should be left between FDH and BM, even if you do end up caring for the child. Who cares for the child in your home is between you and FDH. It doesn't seem fair, but nothing about step-parenting is fair. Just the way it is. I know how frustrating it can be to have the responsibility but none of the authority. We're just along for the ride.
Well the fact is that this
Well the fact is that this man did not walk away but asked her to marry him then he needs to take her feeling into concentration.
you can disagree all you want but the face is that he did not walk but asked her to be his wife. His choice not yours.
^^This!!!^^ BM and other ST
BM and other ST posters want to make you out to be the bad guy, when in reality YOU are the GOOD guy here. YOU are the only one that is doing right by this little girl. A 6 year old should not have to live her life running back and forth between 3 different households every week. Yes, there are times that change is hard and that is why change is often resisted, but when it is clearly for the better of this child, it needs happen.
Her Bio Dad wants MORE time with her, why would BM and your FDH NOT want to facilitate that?? It's almost like it's some type of punishment to him for not being involved in the first couple years of SDs life. How would your FDH feel if the roles were reversed?
BM mounted her high horse in her responses to you and tried to turn it around to make YOU out to be the bad guy, when sorry, but her continuing to send SD to your home is nothing more than pure convenience for selfish, self centered, it's all about me, me, me BM.
Steppingup, you and your FDH sound alot like myself and my DH from your postings, while you are not a control freek, you DO like to have some say in what goes on in your household. Your FDH just seems to go with the flow and doesn't like to rock BM's boat. So you have stepped in to the middle of the fray, not because you are OVERstepping, but because you truly care, and if you didn't step in, FDH and BM would continue on in their little la la lands and it would be status quo with YOU being walked all over and SD suffering this ridiculous endless rotation of households that she is in. THANK GOD, SD and Bio Dad have YOU batting on her team here.
Hun, I've read your blogs
Hun, I've read your blogs before, and every time I do I 1) thank God I'm not in your shoes, 2) wonder what the hell I would do if I was. I'm so sorry. Actually, I think you've handled the overall situation very well. In this case I do think BM comes off sounding pretty polite and sane, and you come off a bit abrasive. Mind you, understanding the context, I don't blame you.
Though FDH has been busy, it would probably have been best to let him handle this interaction with BM. Or, if you simply wanted to let her know that his schedule was changing, you could have given her just a heads up to contact FDH because his schedule might change the next week. Then she knows about a potential schedule-change without it being short-notice, but the onus is not on you to work out the specifics of who is coming for the next week.
I wish my BM was this
I wish my BM was this understanding... She tried to help you out by taking both kids... When you got snippy she wants to deal with FDH... I think your seeing issues that aren't here & I think she's right you don't want SD because she's not his.
Ok I'm a little late joining
Ok I'm a little late joining the conversation but I just have to tell you I understand how you feel. I can sympathize. My DH never feels the need to settle things right away. He lives for the moment whereas I'm a planner and like to know what my schedule looks like. Plus I don't think it's fair for a child to be wondering where they are going to be each about anxiety. He;s famous for saying "I'll call her later, we'll figure it out." Meanwhile I'm wondering what the heck's going on...I feel your pain.
I just wanted to thank all of
I just wanted to thank all of you for your responses...both the good and the bad. It helps soooo much to have a sounding board like this to keep me sane in a not-so-sane situation. I have been reading the comments all night and unable to respond until now. I will have an update for you all in the morning... Lots to say and I'm going to have a glass of wine and relax before bed.
"BM's response: I’ll just
"BM's response:
I’ll just keep both the kids during the week until you guys figure things out. Thx."
Its important to know when to end the conversation and let her have the last word. She gave you an exit plan and you should have used it to your advantage.
Stop, Look, Listen and think before you respond to her in the future. BM will always turn it into an issue about her child and try to make you feel guilty. She should be grateful that she has a built in babysitter for her child whenever she needs one.
Oi Vey: Thanks for the
Oi Vey: Thanks for the warning...and I respect what you said. I can see from an outside perspective on this that yes, it seems exactly as you said, and I appreciate your gentle slap in the face.
It is of course why I posted this here, to see if I was right or wrong. I agree that I may have overstepped here, maybe not so much in starting the emails but continuing with her. But I just couldn't resist....wooops. I realize it seems like a double-standards that I'm "too busy" for both kids but not too busy for SS...and the following posters after your comment kind of justified why it is that way. It's more the principal of the fact that we are for whatever reason OBLIGATED to take SD6. And if that's the case, we should be getting some form of child support for taking her. FDH's visitation is with SS3, NOT with SD. And SD has a father, who pays BM child support, whose house she can go to if this is a problem with BM.
Jsmom: I will definitely back off so it doesn't appear that I am on a "power trip" as BM thought about all of this. From now on all emails will be from FDH, even if I'm the author.
I have to come to terms that you can't reason with someone who is unreasonable. And as I restated in my new blog, I wasn't changing the schedule, I was letting her know of something that was going on....not at all being the person facilitating the change.
CalgonTakeMeAway and Oi Vey: I do see what you are saying that if this was the situation when I entered, I shouldn't be changing it. But I have NEVER EVER brought up anything about taking SD6 less with FDH unless HE BROUGHT IT UP FIRST. It has never been me pushing it. Yes I've questioned recently whether I'm pushing too much but I realize that the word "pushing" makes it sound like I'm nagging him every day about it. Not the case, at all. We discuss it very rarely...and sometimes I do bring it up just to say how do you feel about it and we talk about it briefly and that is it. I think I maybe have been unclear with what I meant by "pushing" the issue in my previous blogs because it truly is not that I sit around all day bugging him about it.
Tiredprincess09: Thank you so much, truly....both for following my "story" and for posting your opinions here. You obviously see where I'm coming from in all of this and I really appreciate that. It seems fairly clear to ME and even mostly to FDH that something should be different here...that we shouldn't obligated to take SD6 but then "not allowed" to go to her school functions as a "parent"....things like that. Not that we want to cut off all communication with SD and throw her out of our lives! And you are SOOO RIGHT....If biodad ever takes BM to court, it will look REALLY bad on BM that she has us taking SD6 for the past 3 years. Right now, BM only has her daughter 12 nights a month.
DaizyDuke: Thanks. I did feel like the bad guy after that email from BM. I got pretty emotional about it all last night. And you are EXACTLY right. I'm trying not to let how they've always run things (by the seat of their pants and then getting mad at each other for poor communication) be the way we continue on with our lives forever. It's so annoying, especially to someone like me who is a "planner"....and like you said, I'm the one who gets walked on when they have poor communication.
Helena_Brass: My friend said something similar to me....that unless you are IN this situation you really don't know how you would actually respond to everything. Thanks for your support....and yes, all future emails will have FDH's signature at the bottom
simifan: I see how you can see that way. I know BM and she would hold it against us that she had to take her kids for the week. AND the point is that we have scheduled visiation with SS3, NOT with SD6.
emilymarie: YES! EXACTLY how FDH IS! I love him for his laid-back attitude but I also hate it...
allgirls: You put my uneasy feelings about phrase into words...the fact that she was putting herself and FDH on a team and calling them their children (ahem one of htem is not his!) and making it sound like FDH would also be AGAINST ME. I think she totally thought that....and thank god FDH is a good man who defended me.
NancyL: I know I should have stopped and let it be at that point but the fact is that FDH has scheduled visitation with HIS SON and therefore we still "SHOULD" take him on our days with him. We do not have any custody with SD6.
You're taking the high road!
You're taking the high road! I guess all I have to say is: NOBODY understands a situation until they're actually in it. Like helenea_brass said, read your previous blogs and people will understand. This little girl is going to almost 6 households, sometimes all within a few weeks! How is that ok?? Yes, I understand FH helped raise her, but like someone else said, act like an aunt and uncle, or someone who's "like a dad" instead of pinning on him that he's the "father." It's interesting how these women want to pin that on these men, yet when it comes down to school activities, sports, and events, your FH can't be there because her birth dad is there. So it's a convienence thing for BM and she needs to start putting her KIDS first, not herself.
I've read her previous blogs
I've read her previous blogs and actually lived a similar situation. I just have a slightly different take on it all...
I think OP is trying. I think that SD will be MORE confused if FDH turns his back on her.
I figure it's a GOOD thing to have more people who love you in your life. It shouldn't necessarily be limited.
UGHHH, I feel for you
UGHHH, I feel for you Steppingup-being in a similar situation myself. I completely agree with your and dh's approach-that it should be you guys moving OUT of visitation with her and just maintain a more casual relationship, like that of uncle/aunt, see you guys on special ocassions -and let the bonding w/the biodad take place w/out the confusion/interruption you guys would present. I COMPLETELY disagree with Oi Vey sounds ridiculous to me that just because it's obvious mom doesn't give a shit and wants her free time-the child and bio dad should be penalized and the kid bounced around 4 different homes-and an overwhelmed new mom take on free babysitting---just so she can have 15 parents that love her-might as well become mormon or live in a commune.
You guys can STILL be in her life, have a relationship-like my brother does with my kids or special family friends have w/kids they feel affection for.
Oi Vey you don't make any sense at all-just bcuz kids need love doesn't mean I send them to 4 houses every week so they can bond, have a dozen parental figures.
She has MOM, she has DAD, this is REALLY all abous BM's convenience and not about the kid.
He is NOT the father-he is NO LONGER th SEPFATHER! His role NOW is of adult male role model and someone who was influential earlier in life and can continue but the visitation thing is nuts. I think any court/counselor would agree. You have all taken your time slowly to introduce the idea of biodad and slowly pulled away from visits-you've done it right up to now.
NOW the girl has tbe biodad stepping up, payign support-she knows that...the added visiation is becoming cluster fuck. How can any sane person not see this is beyond comprehension.
How can any sane person think that its not confusing or stressful for a child to be at 3-4 different homes each week! Kids need routine, stability and positive role models in their life-they dont' have to seem them daily. My sons feel shaken and confused a bit just from EOW visitation-it takes a min to acclimate back to their routine at home or warm up to their dad. She's doing this 3-4 times a WEEK! What a selfish bitch that woman is! How is this best for the kid???
ANd Steppingup has RIGHT to feel the way she does about having someone who isn't her DH's child in the house-particularly if the child has the biodad involved and active in their life. AND they are left out of the "REAL DAD" things- They (DH and OP) are nothing but a convenient free babysitter for BM-this is damaging to everyone involved!!!!
Personally I'd rip the bandaid-and stop the visitation overnights completely and give her time to bond w/her biodad more. See her during drop offs/pick ups/special ocassions...that's it. That's just me though.