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So proud of DH, and Myself

stepmom31's picture

I think DH has seen the light. And me too.

Over the weekend, he had a chat with skids about respecting me, their respect level had declined ever since BM yelled at me. DH did it because his own brother caught SS giving me attitude and put SS in his place.

Today, he stood up for me when BM started on her bullshit. She was trying to tell him that I am not supposed to have an opinion when it comes to SD's school stuff and he told her he discusses stuff with me and values my opinion. She carried on via text and email for hours!

She is SO intimidated by me playing any part in her kids' lives, and wants to get DH to exclude me. And this time, he hasn't fallen for it. We sat together to draft replies to her nonsense.

And I have been sooo calm. I have maintained my peace. My household went on beautifully in spite of her drama. This is part due to DH standing up for me, and me not "hearing" the nonsense she spews about me because I am confident that I am soo much better than she gives me credit for.

Every time DH has supported me and stood up for me, I have returned the favor and supported him and maintained the peace in our household. I only hope we can keep it up.

She asked DH to go to SD's open house tomorrow night because she couldn't go, and then she tried to stop him from going, then asked her brother to go, then decided she is going. But DH had decided to go no matter what, and in the end, she decided that she's not going because she can't stand to be in the same place as DH. So much for "the sake of the kids", right?

SD's priceless facebook status while the text/email drama unfolded: "I wish I could mute people." BM musta been having a cow! LOL


TASHA1983's picture

The beauty of it all is that you and DH can IGNORE WHATEVER SHE SPEWS!!! Unless it has to do with the skids you don't have to reply at all. Period!!!

I am the one that receives all of the texts from BM, as we gave BM my cell # and told her it was my Fiance's new cell #. He pays for it and its under his name I just carry it and use it Wink When she starts running her mouth via text I just IGNORE. IGNORE. IGNORE. She has no power or control. PERIOD. She will only get a reply when I/we feel it is necessary. Otherwise she might as well be texting the wall.

Take her power away by simply IGNORING her UNLESS it has to SERIOUSLY do with the skids only.

It works wonders....

stepmom31's picture

I hear you.

But in my case DH didn't graduate High School (due to extenuating circumstances, he has done extremely well for himself in spite of it). One of the reasons he admires me and chose to marry me, is so that I can lend some assistance with regards to skids and school, because I am more educated than him. I am the one who can explain the meaning of a word to skids when they are reading, I am the one with the ability to explain a math problem. I am doing this on DH's time with them, and with his support. My opinion on anything goes through DH as his stance, if he agrees with me. Of course, skids are able to tell BM is I was the one who said something, because we simply cannot have every single normal everyday discussion in private.

And after she told him that he shouldn't be listening to my opinion, that I should not have an opinion concerning anything to do with her kids (with no provocation from us really, school has just begun and we're in the process of moving and we haven't even settled into a weekend schoolwork routine, just her warning DH because she was telling him he has to go to SD's Open House), my husband simply said that he values my opinion.

In the end, her arguments reverted to wanting more Child Support, withholding the kids this weekend and saying that by supporting me DH is proving that he doesn't love his kids. Pretty pathetic if you ask me, just because DH dared to tell her that he values my opinion.

Presidents do hire persons more qualified than themselves as consultants on major issues. Biggrin