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SeeYouNever's picture

DH: I'm about to tell BM to go eff herself. She gets a lot of CS why is she always asking for more money all the time?

Me: You don't get anything unless you ask and you always give it to her so she keeps asking.

DH: .... 

So do you want to watch Ozark?





JRI's picture

Yeah, that worked with our BM, too.  Always whining for more $ then trashing us.  It only stopped when all 3 kids moved in.

CastleJJ's picture

Lol my DH gave BM extra money for stuff when they were going through their custody battle because our attorney recommended it to appear "amicable." The second court was done and we had a new order in place, DH stopped giving BM more money. He flat out told her that she gets her CS and that is all he would be giving her. She of course threw a tantrum, but she has never asked for more money since because she knows we aren't going to give it to her. 

MissK03's picture

Maybe the lightbulb went off... I am on episode 4 of Ozark. It's my 2nd fav show of all time haha. Breaking bad will always be #1. 

shellpell's picture

I don't understand. If a dh's income is household income why don't you have more say in whether or not he gives extra money to BM? Not that my method is the best, but we have gone over household expenses and nixed anything extra to BM as well as expensive gifts for skid. DH would sure have a lot to say if I were spending hundreds extra a month on beauty treatments also because that would take away from our household and our savings. And we are not struggling by any means, we just have family financial goals. So I just don't understand spouses that have no/little say in extras flying out the door every month.

SeeYouNever's picture

We have separate finances and he doesn't mention it to me until after the fact. Usually he just gives her what she asks for. 

This is one of those problems that he created and only he can fix. I'd love to know when she hits him up for more money but if he doesn't say anything then I don't. Not sure if I can do anything about this other than ask on payday for the expenses for our kids so I get it before BM asks.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

On his pay day, get him to transfer all his contribution to shared bills and expenses for your shared kids.  He can then do what he likes with what he has left after fulfilling his obiligations.

shamds's picture

The exwife always had her nails and hair done, new clothes yet kids came over to dads eith thift shop type clothes, no their size like too big or too small and holes in them. Then she would shove her electric bill in kids schoolbag and have them guilt daddy into paying her electricity. 

she was treating cs like alimony to go on shopping sprees when they were strictly for basic essentials of the kids

SeeYouNever's picture

Reminds me of the saying "buy what you want, beg for what you need." Seems to be the mantra of those that live off of other people's money. 

CLove's picture

Even when you have separate finances, they are still considered marital assets. So whats mine is his etc...

So basically thats your money hes spending...

lieutenant_dad's picture

Bingo. Separate finances is a misnomer and really means "separate piles of unallocated money". Bills, obligations, savings, retirement, joint projects, debts, financial goals - those need to be budgeted and paid for upfront. Whatever is left over - which may not be a lot - can be separate to ease tension about where "fun money" is going.

So long as two people are legally bound to one another, they can't have truly separate finances because liabilities and assets don't work that way.