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Dh eats his words

secret's picture

Lately I've been a little more disengaged.... not because of anything dh or ss did, but because I've been spending more time in the garden and doing summery things. 

Dh today said something along the lines of me disowning his son... I asked him wtf he was talking about... he said he noticed I don't do all that much with ss lately.

Uh... ok. So I said that I wasn't doing any less than HE was... that it's ok for him to chill in the garage instead of doing stuff with his kid but that if I do something that doesn't involve his kid it's disowning?

Like buddy... I'm not doing any LESS than you...

He didn't have much to say after that lol


thinkthrice's picture

they just ASSume the unrelated-to-their-spawn woman they are with is going to want to parent their child instead of them nor the BM.  And then be trashed by said parties for doing so.

secret's picture

Lol and when I don't..  I must not loooove him. Oh FFS, wtf does that say about you Dh?

Dear dh...I treat ss exactly how you do. If that means I chill in the garage... so be it!