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Duck Face Looking for Gifts but Can't See His Own Double Standard

step off already's picture

Yesterday, SS14 (AKA Duck Face) was complaining about his Grandpa (FIL) who NEVER comes to visit or call or anything, unless he needs a favor from DH. SS was whining about not seeing him. I said, "hmm... maybe you can call him. Have you tried doing that?"

Of course he hasn't.

Then, not 5 minutes later as conversation moved on, I asked, "so, what are you and your mom up to this weekend?" And how does he reply?

SS: Oh, I know she's going to buy me something.... she always gets me something on holidays... blah, blah, blah
Me: well, I wasn't really asking about what she's going to buy you. I'm just asking about what you'll be up to
SS: Oh. I don't know... uh...
Me: It's not always about the gifts you get from people, its about the time you spend and the memories you make
SS: I know that
Me: Are you sure? Because I asked you the same thing during your bday a few weeks ago and all you had to talk about was the presents she should be getting you.
SS: No...
Me: Just something to think about... It's kind of like the same thing your grandpa is doing... only is interested in us when we can give him something or do something for him? You don't like him to act that way, but you're doing the same thing
SS: no...
Me: just something to think about because that's how you're coming across

These two conversations literally took place within 5 minutes of each other while we were hanging out in the kitchen. DH just stays quiet during these "discussions".
