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Now I've Heard Everything

Scratching My Head Now's picture

Just how lazy is my SS16? Among all the lies he tells me, he tells his father, his aunts/uncles & his therapist---he comes up with yet another doozie. I cannot believe this kid literally told his father, my DH, he couldn't pick up our small maltese's poop accident unless he had a scraper. I thought a scraper was for dried grout, dried cement, dried glue, etc (my DH hires contractors---if they ever came up w/ this BS, he would have fired them).

Gee we were only out for a few hours. Funny how it didn't seem fossilized or all that difficult
FOR ME to pick up when I got home. This is the same kid that takes 6 hour naps, needed a mini fridge because going downstairs to the kitchen was inconvenient at night & had a melt down with tears running down his face because I made him take out the overly loaded trash BUT didn't tell him that the bottom lock was on the patio door causing him great pain that apparently shook him so much that he was not able to do his homework (the first time in 3 weeks) & will probably scar him for the rest of his life.

I could only hope that he calls 911 to report my abusive garbage & homework habits so they call me unfit & haul him away. I pray a little each day.


hereiam's picture

Oh, geez, I feel for you. Sorry you have to deal with him. I will also pray that he reports you for abuse! Wink

I just cannot get over how lazy kids are these days. You better start working on a move out date for him with your DH, or this lazy bum will be living off you forever.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Puke. I have one of these too same age and all.

I think teen Stephell is the very worst.

Scratching My Head Now's picture

"You knew what you were getting into" is the standard I get from DH. Actually no, I did not know I was going into the abyss of hellfire where bio moms reign for all eternity & step kids (their apprentice) grow stronger & more evil by the minute.