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Taking some me time? Or is this a rant.

SassyGG's picture

This week I spent half an hour on me. In my youth I used to love riding, never very good, but loved it. So having let my career get in the way for a few years, then becoming a step mum totally depriving me of me for about 8 years I decided to get back in the saddle literally and figuratively and take back some control.

It felt good, even the few niggles the next day felt good. I had gone out and done something that was just for me, not to benefit anyone else , or to allow me to spend time with anyone else (learning golf to spend time with my husband). Did I feel guilt free? No, it is expensive and everyone is tightening their belt. I should probably be doing housework, I need to be back in time to take my SD to CAMHS, so many things I think I should be doing all the time. But it was time to say, "To hell with everything else this time is mine!"

To put it in to context we have had a tough few years. My SD started being abusive towards me at 11 years old (she is now 16), over time she started to behave in the same way with her dad. After some horrid times and the police being involved she finally ended up getting some help through CAMHS. We were overwhelmed I wanted to walk away but my husband and SS needed and loved me, my SD needed me too but made it very difficult to want to stick around. Long story short she was diagnosed with anorexia and I took the lead in fighting this horrid disease. This explained some of the vile behaviour but still means you feel broken by the abuse some days. We are beating the anorexia but are still on alert, now we are dealing with other mental health issues. I understand how hard it must be living in her head, but at times it feels nobody else feels so emotionally spent by being on the end of another outburst over something as simple as asking her to pick up something she had put on the floor or asking her not to stick gum on the study desk! 

I may be old fashioned but I never told any adult to f#*k off or told them that they had no right to tell me off, especially parents, I would never have been rude to my father', at least not to his face. As Step mum I feel it is her dad's place to stamp on this but he feels we need to do it gently although I think at this point it is doing her no favours. She swears at us calls us names basically tells us we have no right to tell her what to do etc etc. then 10 minutes later decides she wants a hug, but this is not really a hug it is a distraction technique to avoid something else and to stick her metaphorical fingers up at me when she refuses to even speak to me while do the "daddy, daddy daddy" thing to avoid having to do whatever it is she is supposed to do.

Well, I really hope this last ditch therapy she has started works as I don't think I can do 2 1/2 more years of this until she goes to university. 
One thing I know for sure I will be going horse riding again and next time I am not going to think about the dog hair under the sofa that needs hoovering, the dishes needing to be re washed because the kids cannot wash up to save their lives or the fact that there is nothing in the fridge for dinner. It is time I took a stand and say some things are all about me and sometimes everyone else can go to hell and learn to fend for themselves. 



JRI's picture

If anybody deserves a break, it sounds like you do!

Shieldmaiden's picture

Sometimes you just have say fu@k it!  For example: I woke up this morning before my DH. I went downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee and there was food all over the counters - spilled and left out. There was barbeque sauce dribbled on the floor. There were dishes in the sink. The fridge doors were sticky with BBQ sauce. Who did this? DH takes sleeping pills due to insomnia, and these pills put him in a trancelike state. He gets hungry, gets a snack and - well - the mess ensues. Its like having Bigfoot in your kitchen every night.

I used to get up and clean the kitchen and make breakfast. Now I get up, step over the mess, amd leave it there. I know he will be disgusted by it and clean it. I used to tell myself that I cleaned it because I didn't want to have to look at it all morning. Now I just think to myself - well DH: have fun cleaning up your mess!  I think its important for him to see the result of his actions. While he may not be able to help it, at least he can be faced with the problem that it presents. I don't know that anything will change, but at least I am not wasting my time being angry and resentful. I just let him handle the consequences of his own actions. 

Oh, and if he has the nerve to ask why the kitchen is a mess, I tell him "Because you are slob, honey."

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Your H's daughter's issues sound quite serious, so I'm sure they impact everyone in the home on some level. All of you need to practice self care and deserve a break.

Therapy is expensive; well, saddle time is known to be therapeutic, so keep investing in the form of therapy that works for you. Equine energy is good for the soul, so ride on!

Harry's picture

You going to therapy is not going to change SD or DH or Chang anything else. It's only going to change the way you see, and feel thing.  You getting a hobby helps you then do that. Enjoy the time away from the circus.  Make new friends,  make it ridding and then lunch,  then something else to stay away

Rags's picture


Stop catering to them and focus on you.  ALso, quit giving this noxious SD-16 a get out of jail free card due to ehr eating disorder.  Her behaviors are her choice and her playing you repeatedly, attempting to deflect by asking for hugs, telling you to Fuck-off, pitching tantrums for being asked to clean up after herself,etce are more reasons to write her off what she is... regardless of what challenges she may be facing living in her own head. No excuses. Focus on holding her accountable.

Hold them all accountable. Put locks on all of the cabinettes, make them live on disposable kitchen ware, remove the furniture from rooms that they refuse to vacuum, etc... and replace the nice furniture with molded plastic furniture.  Password protect the internet router, cable box, etc...