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Raven's picture

I gotta start blog posting cuz I think I am gonna go mad. I'm in such a horrible situation. Hateful BM, SO who is scared of her and so lets her constantly stir shit and get inside his head, manipulative skids, and my bio son in the mix. I am so done with this entire situation. I have so much resentment inside me I feel like it is slowly poisoning me.

BM is such a vile person. Trapped SO into having a child by stopping birth control without telling him. She already had 2 kids when he met her. It wasn't a serious relationship as far as he was concerned but it soon became that way. I am so angry at him for letting himself be manipulated like that, but he didn't want to walk away, trying to do the honorable thing I guess. Adopted the 2 kids she already had so is legally responsible for them. Boy, did she see him coming.

So my situation is complicated by 2 skids that aren't biologically his, and his bio son who is actually worse than the other 2. I am made to feel like an intruder in my own home, treated as beneath contempt as they don't even acknowledge I exist. Complain constantly about being 'bored'(I swear if I have to hear that word once more I will jump out the window), if they don't get to do what they want start crying and phoning BM wanting to go home. Visitation has tailed off in the last few months as they don't want to come on the scheduled weekends. As far as I can tell this is cuz they would rather be with their friends on weekends, however the actual reason given is it's because my bio son will be there. My bio son who actually lives here, but who is expected to move out for the weekend so they can come. He is 5. So it's like more manipulation - they don't wanna come cuz they would rather be doing something else, but it has to get turned into something that lays the blame on me and my son.

A shitstorm was kicked up last week by BM - she called SO ranting and raving in her well mannered way, calling him a deadbeat dad, rant rant rant, laying on a massive guilt trip, emotional blackmail the works. He is scared of her and also struggles to get a word in when she is on one of her rants so he simply hung up. He is now depressed, feeling like shit, because he is listening to all this crap she is talking. It is them who don't want to come, it is them who cause an atmosphere in our home, and she was happy to let this go on for a while - it was probably suiting her that they were coming and phoning an hour later wanting to go home - she was letting them as she probably thought it was getting to SO. She is clearly bored of playing that game though as SO is not reacting to it, so hence the explosion of rage that came last week.

He is scared of her as she makes threats of violence, threatening that her relatives are going to be coming round, as if we were all in the schoolyard. And I am sick of it. I don't understand how he can even be civil to her, considering what she did, he put up with years of hell because he cared about the kids far more than he ever cared about her. And she is still there, chipping away, causing trouble. I am angry with him because he won't just tell her what he really thinks. I am angry with him because he didn't run for the hills years ago. I am angry with him because I have a bio son who has to share a room with them if they come, and they treat him like nothing. I am just angry.


loishmabey's picture

The situation could be controlled when they were too small in age. Now, it seems difficult...