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Still invisible

Raven's picture

I am the invisible woman. Don't even say hi or goodbye. I don't want to be in my home when they are here. This is never going to change. It doesn't upset me - I don't want a relationship with them, it's too late for that now, but it angers me that they think they can come to my home and act as if I am an interloper, while watching my cable, eating my food, thinking they have a god given right to use my BS video games.

SO called them out for it - it 'got better' for a while. I say got better, it was actually just them making a point of saying hi for the sake of it, after which I instantly became the invisible woman again.

SO has realized I resent them coming here. I'm past caring, not even trying to deny it. If he tries to bring them up in conversation I don't acknowledge anything he is saying about them, I just look at him blankly then change the subject. The situation is making me hard hearted.


JValaThorne's picture

two can play that game damn it!!!!
parental block all your channels except CNN, PBS, and the weather channel
Put a code on the your sons games, dont do groceries when their coming...and as for cooking dinner? HA!!! i dont think so
And ignore THEM, maybe it sounds immature, but give em a taste of their own medicine...
trust me...sooner or later theyre gonna burst, and complaine to daaaaadddyy that Raven is ignoring them. I hope your SOs reponse is, "why shouldnt she"

Shook's picture

JVala lol. Best thing I learned on ST: it's ok to ignore them too.
I also have the monthly utility bills on the fridge now to remind DH I may ignore kid but I'm not paying for someone that doesn't exist either.