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got home tonight

Raggles's picture

and the usual stench wafts down the staires from SD17 bedroom. I go up and shut the door. A quick glance in her pit and see blood all over her bedsheet. Ewwwwwww.
Shes gone away for the weekend and wont be back til sunday evening.
Oh well


DaizyDuke's picture

I just don't get this.... and not just the nasty factor but the pure no shame factor??? I mean I would have been scarred for life if my mom, dad, brother, sister, step parent, ANYONE ever even saw a shred of any evidence of my period. WTF?

will your DH see this?? or doesn't he bother to care about her room?

Raggles's picture

He wont say a word! hasnt got the ability to parent.
not my problem .. her sheets her washing!
the used towels are piled up in her bedroom bin. Binday is thursday so if we are lucky might get emptied then.

Jsmom's picture

This is disgusting. This is the third story this week about these awful girls and their lack of hygiene. Seriously if this is the future of our world, we are doomed.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I would throw all sorts of fits if this happened in my house. That is so disgusting.

Raggles's picture

Ive given up trying to help parent skids. they want to live like that in their rooms their problem. The rest of the house is MY domain and will be kept tidy and clean whether they like it or not. my daughter knows how to be hygenic and that is all i need to worry about. skids are my partners concern.