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a broken heart....

QUINJAI3's picture

well as most of you know last friday was the court hearing for shared care and we didn't get the news we were hoping for an now seem to be faced with an up hill battle with bm lying her fat arse off the intire time...
but the real pain came when we picked up sd-6 from bms house on fridaynight and she asked about the courts and so we told her that it maybe up to her mother to say yes or no to extra time and the poor little thing just burst into tears and started crying as she knows as well as we do that her mother will never say yes and as a result our poor little pumpkin was angry and upset all weekend and we didn't really have the words to comfort her as she seems to have lost confidence in us at present which broke my heart.
i feel as though i have let one of my little ones down and theres nothing i can do about it... i hate that i feel that stupid woman has won yet again but this time a little girls heart had to brake in the process and she doesn't even care. but also that my step daughters faith in her father has diminished some what.the attitude and behaviour we experienced with sd this weekend was very much like we used to have every weekend so hubby and i believe that sd-6 negitive behaviour at our house is a direct result of being angry and hurt(emotionally) as this past weekend was exactically the way it was before ( so the evil nasty behaviour was back in full force) and no-one enjoyed their weekend at all...even hubby's grandmother got upset with sd and she has the paitence of a saint exspecially when her greatgrand children are concerned... so currently feeling like the worlds worse mother and very disheartened and lost as i just don't know what to so from here....