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Write Me Up for Refusing to Step Into Molasses

princessandthepee's picture

Gooey, sticky, too much for me and apparently, too much for him, that him being my husband.

Now that princess has been removed from the house, I find she is in fact not. In some ways not, but in other ways, yes.

There's much more at stake here than princess. There is me. And by extension, all those I need to give to. They matter much more than her.

I told myself I would not do this tonight would not write, but yet here I am. Writing. And I understand it is a voice, a voice so powerful it should never be given up, but yet like sex, it is a first thing to go when you are just fightin to survive.

pee stepped into our room tonight to report that princess did not want any of her computerized images of herself deleted while we have the computer he uses fixed, because there is a virus on it.

This princess has maasquaraded herself as an entity more focused on her life across the river. Not so, she apparently has a much more immediate pulse on things. It's just that, maybe, it doesn't come to light because her purpose does not intersect with the surface of day to day life here. Except when she gets word of a day to day happening here that involves her narcissism. Does she care about pee's computer? No, she cares about preserving images of herself. Why, I don't know. The only voice that makes any sense to me at all now is Justin Hayward of the Moody Blues. He always is a gift. True, beautiful. The song, The Actor . . . .

I am already feeling like my day tomorrow will be stolen from me because of my own shortcomings. I don't know a balance between feeling and thinking about all these things and living life for others. I'm confounded, I am.

It was just last night I said to him, I am finally coming to a point where I feel I can reasonably predict there will be a sense of normalcy to this life.

She peeked her head in tonight, I really don't know how. I don't know why this dumb girl has me in her sights but she does. It seems so stupid to me.

No Stepping Stone is good at recapturing past events to orient readers to current blogs. I'm going to take a try at it. My husband has two children, now 20 and 16. The 2 yr old is a deviation from humanity. Oops, I meant 20 yr old.

I began a relationship with my husband when lil miss was sixteen. I can't stand to write about her. Let's suffice it to say that all my thoughts toward good and normal were being filtered and manipulated in ways I did not know or understand, and am only maybe now coming to understand.

I stil feel like I am tring to claw my way out of an ice cage. With no hope, no sight of the sky.

pee caught himself a virus on his computer. No word from princess for the most part.

Not directly anyway. The stupid twat has expoited her elderly relatives for money so she could jog her precious injured knee at the fully paid for gym, which is too injured to work at any job, avoid standing around to assist patrons of Vicoria's Secret in divesting themselves of their funds, thank god she didn't actually have to get a damn job.

Ooh, except, a detail here. A nursing home that needed someone to wipe asses did hire princess. My husband says she loves it. Everyone has some type of chocolate they love, right? Mayhap she's found hers?

I could pussy foot arond all night, which is a reason I don't write, ha.

His ex has wanted to extract the funds that pay for my children's food, her own children's food, it all comes from my husband's mother and me. We support everyone. His ex oh my goodness there is nothing she does not want to know about me. It is not about money for her. She is a well educated licensed professional, who, oh my gosh, just doesn't want to work in her field, and my husband owes her a life time of penance for her mentally convoluted shit. More court earlier this week.

We share an attorney, she does well in balancing our separate and joined interests. She is talented at her job, caring and highly eithical. I know most people hate attorneys, I don't like my ongoing bills, but our attorney does her job top notch.

Their stuff was thrown out. I think her aborted dried up convoluted upside down dead cunt dreams might finally let go of him. I know they will . . . I feel it.

pee poked his head into our room and said, princess wants to make sure you don't delete any of her pictures of herself, her cheerleading picutures of herself, her stupid a hole modeling pictures of herself, long live up in the air wide open leg splits with camera featuring the up under view for all to see. Precious moments, yes? You're such a sweet dear.

Want to get up under it? Let's take a looksie. And we'll do so only from my narrrow little step mom perspective. They had their family dynamics. What that was based upon is the anthisis of what I believe in, and what my ex showed me about me ahout what people sometimes are.

What I believe is this: the children are what we need to feed. They are the the precious beyond what we know, and we understand that because we all once were.

I am tired of these so very basic things being convoluted in all the other messes.

A product of preversion - princess has become an undercover spy for her mother who has stolen her soul, her brother's my husband's, mine, etc.


oneoffour's picture

Sorry, pictures had a virus, they are gone. EOS.
Stop her at every turn. This is not PEE's computer. It is your computer you let him use on your network. When she sticks her nose in (which she will) baffle her with logic. Not happening. She will not work out logic anytime soon.

And one day soon some schmuck will marry her and she will exact her lifestyle on him and his family.

ctnmom's picture

P&P, you need to take up your sword of rightousness and fight fight fight the good fight. Don't let the toxic twosome win.

ThatGirl's picture

Delete all content she left on the computer. If it were important, she should have taken it when she left. You are not her personal storage facility.