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the antics

playdead's picture

So after the last dramatic installment, SO future husband and I made up, he apologized, I apologized and we decided to let it go in the name of love. I need to improve my directness about things, be impeccable with my word,etc... after we had calmed down I realized I probably did lie and really felt justified for awhile until I realized I was just being a coward. When emotions are running high its hard to think straight.  Maturity and forgiveness can get you a long way.

Let's be adults, amiright?

Yeah, not so much for the ex,  ( I need a nickname for her, hmmm...we call her Psycho mostly, Psycho Hose Beast if we're really feeling it...)  who CANNOT rub the two brain cells together she has left after all of the air duster she must have huffed at some point in her life.  The lengths she goes just boggle my mind, and it shouldn't I know it is all quite simply that she is completly miserable and must blame someone!  NEVER herself, because that would be too uncomfortable for The Beast. 

So Hose Beast recorded SD(7) saying in her sassy voice " I dont want to talk to you" and "I don't want to see you" and sent it to him today, and I'm so glad that we had time before this happened to talk and he's had time to calm down from being denied a simple conversation with SD on Christmas Day.  He said he realized how much it was affecting him and that he was sorry for being "a little bitch" (his words) and I reassured him that I understood, and that I love him and he's an amazing person and a great father.

 Today when he told me about the message,  then played it for me... to my wonderous eyes he just brushed it off like it was just some absurd joke. He's been in a great mood... and I dunno, maybe it wont affect him.  He knows for sure now that he probably won't see his daughter for awhile. His ex says that his visitation is frozen until they go back to court so who knows how long that will be, he doesn't have the money for it, she may not either.  


So which nickname tho?


tog redux's picture

I know he loves his daughter, but there comes a time that he has to give up on this impossible situation.  She's abusing his child to get his attention and court will make that 100x worse. Throw in the international court issue, the need to hire a lawyer in another country, and the crazy visitation situation and he has a steep uphill climb.  He should record himself with a time stamp saying how much he loves her and hopes to have a relationship with her in the future, and send her gifts, etc (knowing she won't get them).  He could fight this battle for 7 more years only to have her REALLY refuse to come see him - at some point, this child will be completely alienated.

It's a tough situation, but letting his ex abuse him and the kid is not the solution.

playdead's picture

He knows its not going to be the solution as well and I think he's ready to throw in the towel. The court order means nothing to BM anyways, she does as she pleases and so he sees the waste in going back to court to battle it out yet again.  I think that when the time comes and she asks for full custody and no visitation he will have mentally prepared himself as much as possible to just let her have SD until she's 18.