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Sitting here listening to SD13's alarm clock go off

PestyBrattyMama's picture

And she left for BM's house last night. This happens every week. And every time she spends the night at a friend's house. That kid turns her alarm back on after having it off for the weekend. She's got to be doing it to intentionally annoy DD18 or to get to start having her iPhone overnight on the days she's here again. So annoying. Usually I go into her room, unplug the alarm clock, and tell DH about it (or DD does). This time, since DD is not home (she's on a university orientation, yay!!!), I'm going to let it go off until DH gets up and hears it for himself and see if maybe something gets done about it this time. Not likely but one can always hope.


I am NOT the servant's picture

Yep - This happened at ours. SD17 could manage to turn her alarm clock to off so that it didn't wake her at the weekend, but 'forgot' to turn it off when she went back to her mums.
I used to get up and turn it off. The second time that I left it and DH had to turn it off was the last time she did it. I wasn't there, so I don't know what he said to her. It must have been good since he always talks to her about things she does wrong - but it's never changed the way she does things for anything else.

SheScreamsinSil's picture

I have the same issue. I usually don't hear the alarm on weekends, but the critters do. They know that means "Time to get fed!" Once they're up, there's no sleeping until they've had breakfast.

I don't think that the alarm in our case is left on on purpose. I know, for myself, that's something I adjust when I'm going to bed that evening. Kiddo goes to Mom's after school, so I can see why it would still be on.

PestyBrattyMama's picture

Hers was off yesterday and didn't wake her up then and Sunday night is exchange night so all I can think is she sets her alarm again before she leaves for BM's. Silly and rude, really. It timed out after an hour so DH didn't hear it.

Now that you mention it, it's kind of funny that our dogs are so lazy (or conditioned) they don't get up for alarms. They don't bother getting up til I get home from work.

imjustthemaid's picture

SD16 lives here but on the weekends goes to BM's mothers house for overnight Friday and Saturday. Every Saturday morning at 6am her alarm clocks goes off (she has TWO alarm clocks in her room)and they are so loud!! It drives me insane!! Her bedroom is directly under ours so its loud!!