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Short Update

Nymh's picture

It's been 5 days since the RO expired and still no contact from BM. Hooray! BF and she talked today, and she says she finally went on a second interview for a teaching job but didn't get the position. This is the only place she's interviewed at and to my knowledge the only place she's applied for at all. She's been unemployed for 8 months now...

She asked BF today if there was "anything they could do to make things easier on each other." He said he didn't know that things were hard. Then he reminded her that she's the one who has brought him back to court. He said he thought things were going fine. Then she asked him for money. So basically, "is there anything we can do to make things easier on each other?" is her way of saying, "can you give me some money?"


smurfy1smile's picture

Sperm donor/wallet - not my idea of making things better.

luvdegirl's picture

typical tactic- I have heard this so many times- usually for the same reason, it means can't you make things easier on me.
what was his reaction?

Nymh's picture

He told her that he would make his payment by the end of the month, when it is due, like he does every month. Then he said that it's hard for him to make the money to pay her when he's had to schedule so many days out of the office to gather all the crap he needs and go to court since she decided to sue him for more money.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

B's picture

Isn't it amazing how BM's have their very own language?? Just like the BM in Nymh's situation said "is there anything we can do to make things easier on each other?" but actually meant "is there anything YOU can do to make things easier for ME?" In the course of a conversation my DH said to the BM "Don't worry about it, we can figure something out" in regards to money she owes him... well damn if she didn't hear/understand "Don't worry about, It's fine." as in he didn't want her to pay him back. There must be a special BM language class that we all missed the memo on.....