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What would happen if...

Ninji's picture

Had this discussion last night with BF. I said I bet if he were to pass away, that the kids BM would still let me get them every weekend.

She has only had them maybe 10 weekends in the last 5yrs and that’s being generous. We'd have them all the time if CS wasn't paying her rent....

So, if your SO were to pass away would you want to still get the Skids and would the BM allow it.

I would want to. They are brats sometimes but I love them. Smile


twopines's picture

If my skids were still minors, I would not want to see them after DH passed. Ever.

hereiam's picture


Teas83's picture

I would not want to see my SD and there's no way BM would allow it anyway. I don't even care that SD is my DD's half-sister.

BM would most definitely come after me for money though.

canigetabm's picture

BM would probably continue to let her live with me and continue to pay nothing and I would still have to pay her to "watch" her if I wanted a weekend off. I would want to ship SD15 to her BM's and never lay eyes on that mean hateful girl ever again since "I am not her family and why should she care about me"..... NICE!

twopines's picture

SD's craptastic personality is hers and hers alone. I don't want or need to be around her, and that's OK.

misSTEP's picture

I would want to but BM would never have allowed that. I make her feel inadequate, I guess. I am sure she would have tried to figure out if there was a way to start squeezing ME for money, though!

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

My BS3 is real attached to his brother and sister. I wouldn't want them EOWE like I have now but I wouldn't mind having them for a Saturday afternoon once a month.