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Less than 1hr until the end of the work day

Ninji's picture

and I'm not excited at all about the weekend. When did this happen to me...Oh, yeah when I decided to date a guy with kids.

I was going to try and NOT drink this weekend, but now that SS may be coming over, I need to stop at the store before I get home.


Gwynnafaye's picture

I'm celebrating a kid-free weekend with something not exactly legal (in my state yet). Crazy monkey sex later!

WTF...REALLY's picture

I have SD full time.....liquor is always in my home.

Tuff Noogies's picture


Maxwell09's picture

Yeah I'm a vodka girl...I started being a bi-weekly bar regular 2 weeks after I started seeing DH and began dealing with psychotic BM drama...I gave it all up over a year ago for a "new and fitter me" (eyerolls) there are days I'm glad I'm pregnant now because I could probably put a bottle away.