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How can SO be so intelligent normally but stupid as a rock when dealing with BM

Ninji's picture

I've had a couple of blogs about SO, BM and taxes

Today, I get a message that SS has new grades posted. I checked and he already has two F's and 4 missing homework assignments. Report cards just came out last month. Also, his reading book has been at BM house for almost 4 weeks and the teacher keeps asking us to have SS bring it back.

I told SO about the grades and told him to tell BM that if the book doesn't get sent back to school, the money for it is coming out of the check he is going to cut her.

about hr later
SO text: Shitty (what we call BM) is trying to reneg on the taxes now
ME: Because of the book? Did you save all the messages between you two about the taxes? (the communicate via FB)
SO: NO, but I can prove we had them more.

---It doesn't matter if he can "prove" anything. The CO says she claims them both. And I don't think he can prove it. He doesn't document anything (I stopped doing it two years ago) and BM isn't going to tell the truth.

I told him last time we discussed this that she had to fill out a form giving him permission to claim them.

I guess because she's been so unwilling to co-parent and tries to screw SO over every chance she gets, it was smart of him to trust that she filled out the form and to delete all the messages.

I just feel like shaking the shit out of him


Ninji's picture

It was all communicated on FB...At this point, I'm done with this mess. It's between him and BM now.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i wouldnt bother, the IRS is going to look at the CO on record. anything else is hearsay.

*sigh* sorry for you. it's like he has brain-farts every time something involves bm.

Jsmom's picture

It goes by the CO. He needs to have it revised. BM claims SD18 and we claim SS16. Spelled out in CO. If you do this, then you don't have this BS.

QueenBeau's picture

Please check with IRS laws.

We were told that regardless of the CO, if there is a dispute the parent who has the child more nights of the year can claim the child.

disputes have to be handled in family court, not with the IRS. As long as you can prove you had them more nights of the year, the IRS won't care.

This was a year ago, when things first changed. & the parent only has to sign the 'permission to claim' thing if they are custodial parent & has the child more nights of the year.

QueenBeau's picture

oh wow. When was this? I heard that this new "# of overnights" thing just started around 2.5 years ago when DH/BM did their modification.

Tuff Noogies's picture

# of overnights has been around for a few years. but the CO is really the only valid proof of the # of overnights.