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newtothis03's picture

So DH gets SD every Wednesday, usually from 9-5. Well the last few weeks the BM has been changing the time she wants SD brought to her. Sometimes 6pm, sometimes 8pm...It tends to allow DH more time with SD which is good but annoying. It's hard to plan anything on the days he has her because BM tells him like an hour before we usually take her back that he can have her for X amount of time longer. So I politely asked that she give us more advance notice, say like when he picks her up that morning, so that we can plan things. For instance, we were going to take her to the pumpkin patch today and would be nice to know what time we have to have her back exactly. Well BM just smiles and tells DH that she shouldn't have to tell him beforehand and that he should just be grateful. My fiance is grateful for any time he gets with his daughter. But BM doesn't care what an inconvenience it is not to have a set time. I doubt she cares and more than likely does it on purpose. As i mentioned above, we were going to take her to the pumpkin patch once I got off today. And when DH told BM she said she would have to think about it and let us know by 4pm. We wouldn't get to the Pumpkin Patch till 1-2pm and wouldn't leave till 4pm. No way would we be back by 5. It just gets aggravating.


Willow2010's picture

Well BM just smiles and tells DH that she shouldn't have to tell him beforehand and that he should just be grateful.
What a b!tch! WOW.

Is there a CO?

DH need to TELL BM when he will bring SD back. Your BM sounds like a control freak though so good luck.

newtothis03's picture

Yea there's a CO, future hubby had to take HER to court so that he could even pay child support...Its says he has SD from 9-5 every Wednesday and overnight every other Tues and Wed. And DH is so happy when he gets extra time with her. The BM works until 8 and DH has offered to just keep SD until then rather than dropping SD off at 5 and BM taking her to the babysitters and going back to work. But its turned into a game now I guess. DH just called and told me BM told him she was feeling generous and could have SD until 6:30 but to make sure he wasn't late. Last week she had him keep SD until 8:30pm. Like I mentioned it changes with her mood.

DaizyDuke's picture

sounds like BM is on some type of power trip....I agree with the others, as much as it sucks to give up the extra time that she is "so graciously" (gag) giving your DH, you need to stick to the CO if BM is going to play like this. Otherwise you are just feeding the ego/power trip monster and she's only going to get worse.

VioletsareBlue's picture

I think you have to keep to the CO and let her be inconvienced. Maybe she'll get tired of it. Or take her back to court to keep SD til 8:30.