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You got problems, kid

New_to_this's picture

SS16: I know what it is like to suffer a great loss in my life.

DH just had a few long conversations with SS16. He was using odd metaphors of despair and DH was trying to get him to talk. For background, SS has suicidal ideations, so everyone walks around him with great care. I feel for people with mental health issues, but I'm exhausted and tired of this.

Turns out he's depressed because he lost his Switch. It's still on his mind eventhough he lost it over a year ago.  Nope, he wasn't talking about the loss of two of his grandparents, or the dissolution of his parents' marriage, or losses of lives from Covid, or losses of the ability to see friends and family from Covid, or the various other truly crappy things going on. His true loss in life are video games. It doesn't matter that he has three other gaming systems. He understands great loss because of the loss of his Switch.

Ugh! I can't roll my eyes far enough.



Chmmy's picture

I never believed SD was depressed, she is dramatic. Guess what, I was right. As soon as her parents took her to the hospital, they took her phone and clothes. She was without her phone for hours!!!!!!!!! Suddenly she was cured. She never cried depressed or suicidal again.

justmakingthebest's picture

You would have thought that I killed SS20's (special needs) kitten when I took his phone away for 3 days last week. There was screaming, crying, actual on the floor sobbing!! I wanted it throw it in the trash forever based on his reaction to it.