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SD2 Issues

mommaTina's picture

A lot of you reading are telling me that my SD2 is just "being 2" BUT some of you have skid's that started having the same behavior as my SD2 at the same age that are now terrors. No offense to any of you or your skid's but THAT is what I'm trying to avoid. I don't want to do the whole "she's just a baby" but then she's 6 and is just as rotten or worse! BTW I have reason to believe she will progress because she has in the last 10 months to who she is now. Some things have gotten better but now her behavior toward her siblings is just ridiculous.


This morning as BD2, SD2, and SS4 played BD2 asked for a particular toy. I have it to her and in her excitement she showed it to SS4 and SD2 telling them how it had been found (it had been lost). SD2 immediately snatched it from her while I was standing there and so I told SD2 to give it back and play with a different toy. She started pouting. SS4 was sitting there playing with his train tracks and car so SD2 started to try to take his tracks apart. He told her to stop and I then told her to stop taking from people and to get a toy out of the toy box instead. She then cried for 5 minutes, I tried to tell her she has to play nicely and to just play with something else, she kept crying, so I walked away to talk to DH. When I came back BD2 was handing SD2 the toy she had so that SD2 would stop crying. While this is an excellent trait in BD2 it's not okay for SD2 to think if she cries loud enough then people will give her what she wants. So I told BD2 that she didn't have to give SD2 the toy simply because she was crying, I told SD2 "that is not how we handle things, we don't just cry and scream until we get our way, find another toy to play with." she kept screaming, I walked away, and DH told her to stop or she would go to timeout. I can see their room from my hallway and I heard BD2 fussing so I looked and sure enough SD2 was trying to take the toy again. At this point I told DH to just take the toy. I then had to explain to BD2 she wasn't in trouble and hadn't done anything wrong but that I didn't want to have to fuss with her sister about not taking the toy so that's why DH and I just put it up. I don't think that was fair to BD2 that she can't play with it simply because SD2 won't play nicely. But it was the easiest resolve. But then I struggle with BD2 feeling unfairly punished and if that's okay..??

About 10 minutes later we heard BD2 start crying and saying "get off my bed!" So DH goes in the room and SD2 was trying to sit on top of BD2 so he obviously made her get down. BD2 then moved so that SD2 could sit there instead of fighting but DH told her "BD2 you don't have to move so that SD2 can have what she wants. SD2 find somewhere else to sit." Again, not because it isn't good that BD2 would be willing to share but he doesn't want SD2 thinking that bullying is an effective way to get what she wants. SD2 started crying and was just sent to timeout.

Maybe 10-15 minutes later they were all playing and all 3 came out to get water. They then went back to playing. SD2 was in the dining area finishing her water when SS4 came in for another drink of his. SD2 then ran into their room to take the toy he had. When SS4 went back to the room he told her to give it back, that it was his toy he was playing with, and she ignored him and kept walking away down the hall. He conceded and was walking away when I asked "SD2 did SS4 have that toy?" she dropped to the ground and started pouting. I asked again, "SD2 did SS4 have that?" she handed it back to him without even answering the question and started crying. The fact that she gave it back without even answering to me suggests that she knew she was wrong to have taken it to begin with she just wanted to see if she could get away with it and had I not stepped in SS4 would have let her.

I see how her tantrums, inability to share, and aggressive behavior are starting to effect her siblings. They are thinking they have to do what she wants because she is crying or being aggressive. I don't want them to think that is the case. I don't want SD2 to think that is the case either.

I find myself disliking her more and I know that sounds awful because she is 2 but it is true. I feel like I am constantly protecting SS4 and BD2 from her so it puts me on the defensive toward her. I don't want anyone mistreating my children, ESPECIALLY their own sister!

This is not a vent, this is not an attempt to get you to empathize, it's an example of SD2's behavior so that someone either with a bio child or skid that behaved this way can tell me how to help her behavior change.


mommaTina's picture

I don't mind taking her out. And yes, that's what I'm asking, HOW do I channel it so it can stop frustrating me?!???! :? Hmmm okay, yes, I've heard school will be great for giving her an opportunity to experience other children like her. I think you are right, I need to find her some other children like herself so she can learn how to deal better with other people.

mommaTina's picture

LoL I laughed at pint sized c**t.

Yes, she has a lot of issues even from pregnancy through birth. I'm a big believer in genetic issues being passed and her bio-mom is a royal eff up and she is rumored to have been an awful little child as well.

Okay, so immediate consequences. I am going to try this. I know not all parenting types work best for each child, but up until now I didn't really know HOW to parent SD2 differently than the other ones.

I know I have a long road ahead of me but I think this will help me to help her and myself.

Yes BD2 and SS4 just have better tempermants and personalities, both probably due a lot to the type of parenting they received in their early lives.

WorldWeary's picture

Just from reading this particular scenario, it sounds to me as though your SD2 is looking for attention. What makes me think that is the fact that she keeps repeating the same bad behavior over and over. Kids at this age have very little impulse control, and not wanting to share is age appropriate. However, she already received punishments and verbal reprimands from you and still continued.

Keep in mind, I'm not implying that you don't give her enough attention. In her mind, though, it may not be enough, and she's willing to take it any way she can get it.

What I would do instead of removing the toy is physically remove her from the play area when she can't play nicely. It sucks, because she'll probably come back and you may have to do this over and over. You are absolutely right on not giving in with the toys when she throws a tantrum.

Also, try setting up a little time each day that is "special time" just between you and SD. This can be something as small as reading her a book or whatever you like. It sounds counter-productive, but if the behaviors are coming from her need for attention, it should stop after awhile when she knows where her place is in the family, if that makes sense? This together time also has the added benefit of allowing you to feel closer to your SD instead of pushed apart from all the behaviors and frustration.

I hope this (some, any) helped! Smile

mommaTina's picture

I just want you to know that this made me cry! In a a GREAT way. Between this post, the journal idea from someone else, and immediate consequences suggestion I finally feel like I have a plan of attack!

I love the idea of setting apart just a her and me time. I can feel the resentment building and I need a way to stop it so that I can better help her to channel her energies as a parent. I think this will give us an opportunity to build a more conducive relationship between she and I.

Thank you.

mommaTina's picture

I'm going to try some of the suggestions people have given. Granted, my SD2 is not a terror! She just has very, very, bad moments! Hopefully the suggestions will help us to prevent her from becoming a constant terror, especially with her new sibling coming.

Disneyfan's picture

Have you thought about putting the kids in day care, headstart or preschool?

mommaTina's picture

YES! SS4 is in school but it is summer break here. Head-start won't take my girls before 3, I hate to send them to daycare, because I want them in a learning environment not just a babysitting service but now I'm starting to think we will have to give in and send them until they turn 3 at least. I actually have been looking for somewhere online this morning that I would trust to send them.

If you haven't noticed I'm very protective of my children, maybe too over protective....?? so it's hard for me to send them out. But I really think it will help after hearing some other people talk about how their skid's or bio's do better being exposed to other children. Plus if nothing else it will give me a break daily.

mommaTina's picture

that is crazy affordable! especially since I'd be sending 3! thanks for this tip, I'm going to see if I can find one. otherwise it looks like the ECE classes at our local YMCA will be the next best fit for our family.