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Inappropriate Touching? UGH!

NonEvilStepmom's picture

So my SD7 got in trouble for inappropriately touching another girl in the bathroom at her school. The worker there is she didn't WANT to but the girl talked her into it.

Ever since then i've been extremely untrusting of SD7 with my BD2. I have caught her twice- one time she had BD2 on the floor naked and was rubbing oil on her backside (including her butt). At first I thought it was innocent- this was before the incident. Now she's got my BD2 on her stomach in the bathtub. I overheard my BD2 give out a playful and loud laugh and then SD7 said "next time i'll do it to your butt!" She was snapping SD2 with a rubber band in the bathtub. BD2 is innocent and doesn't realize that this is inappropriate.

I told them both to get out of the bath and go put their clothes on. I try to be quiet and sneaky. SD7 turns around and screams because I scared her. BD2 is naked on the bed, S7 is naked and is apparently trying to help her get dressed. Then BD2 opens her legs and starts playing with her vagina. My BD2 never played with herself- just scratched it from diaper rash or itch. I told BD2 to stop and she just laughed. From now on they are bathing separately when SD7 is with us. I do not trust this child anymore.

Then earlier this weekend, I come in the living room and SD2 told me that SD7 put lotion on her butt. She seems to have this obsession with BD2's rear end and I don't find that normal, healthy or appropriate.

I fear the worst. I fear that SD7 has been molesting my child. I am so paranoid because I once worked as a 911 operator and we got a call about a 12 year old using a sex toy on her 4 year old sister. I was just mortified and thought about my girls.

It is going to be awkward to explain this to DH, he is going to be hurt and think i'm paranoid. but I HAVE to explain it to him. I just don't think it's right.

Plus she is always grabbing BD2 like she's a doll, not a person and kissing her on the lips. I hate that.

NonEvilStepmom's picture

sorry, I noticed throughout the post I keep referring to BD2 as SD2, but she's my BD

BSgoinon's picture

None of this is good. You have to talk to your DH about your concerns. The fact that she has had issues like this at school would be enough for me to bathe the kids separately. There is no need for them to be together. If your DH doesn't understand, that is just too bad. It is your responsibility to protect that baby.

NonEvilStepmom's picture

I assumed the first time and the only she was inappropriately touched was by this girl in the bathroom at school. I personally think it only takes one encounter for kids to start invading the privacy of others. She is already too touchy-feely with other kids and aggressive.

But yeah I just sent DH a text about her inappropriate obsession with BD2's rear end. Let's see what he says. And maybe I can sneak in how I don't like her kissing her sister on the lips. And he needs to stop kissing them on the lips too. His behavior with BD2 is cute because she's freakin 2, but as far as kissing SD7 on the lips, that needs to stop now too. She's about to be 8.

Skidro4geez's picture

I realize this was 6 yyears ago  but yes..that would freak me out, too.

I would find out or try to find out where the 7 yr old I initially learned this behaviour. 

If someone is doing this to her.. and it sounds like they are.. there's reason for concern.

The kissing on the lips however, I see no issue with.