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I really am a step-monster -- SS is sick? So what.

LRP75's picture

Backstory: SS has occasionally complained about "his heart." That is, that when he runs a lot (he is very athletic) he gets out of breath and gets palpitations. He told both his mom and his dad. BM had done nothing about it. DH was worried -- so he asked a friend who does mobile ultrasound to ultrasound the heart. The result was:

3 leaky vales and thickening of the mitral valve flap.

A doctor read the results and said that the 3 leaky valves are "not an immediate concern." However, the thickening of the mitral valve is abnormal for SS's age. So that Dr referred DH to take SS to his regular pediatrician as a follow-up.

Yesterday, DH (with BM meeting them there) took SS to his pediatrician (the one thing they've ever done together for their children). DH and BM have been referred to take SS to a pediatric heart specialist who will order a gammit of tests to determine what, if anything, should be done.

Understandably, DH is freaking out. He's crying and having anxiety attacks. He is automatically thinking the worse -- that SS is going to need surgery and that SS won't be able to play sports anymore.


I'm having a hard time even writing this, because it is just indicative of what a monster I really am, but here goes:

I don't really care.

I mean, it's interesting news and all. However, I feel about it the same as I would feel if I found out someone I'd never met was having the problem. Or, more like if a neighbor was having the problem. You know, someone I see occasionally, but don't really associate with a whole lot, so there is no emotional involvement.

It's not that I wish the kid ill. I don't. Not even in the slightest. I'm not THAT kind of monster.

I'm sorry for DH -- that he's taking it so hard and having such a difficult time processing the news. However, even watching my husband cry (which I've never seen before) is more of a curiosity to me than anything. I'm not even moved by his tears and his fear for his own child.

I am finding that I have to force myself to ask him questions about the situation, just so that it will look like I care. I recognize and understand the gravity of the situation. I can appreciate his fear.

But, well, *shrug*

I guess the hard reality is that I'm the kind of step-monster that feels... nothing... for her skids.

I used to care. Holy shit did I use to care, but I've been abused; scapegoated; ignored; humiliated; and flagrantly disregarded by the skids, my "D"H and his family, and by BM.

The natural consequence is that now what I've got left for these people is: nothing.

Only the other step-moms on here can understand what I mean by that.

At least I'm hoping so.

P.S. I am so grateful for this site, because it gives me an outlet to be able to actually SAY something like that. To get it out. It's been eating at me.


bi's picture

you have put into words exactly how i feel about sd19. if she were to die, i would not care. that doesn't mean i pray to the dark side for her death, i don't. i don't have hopes of anything happening to her, i just wouldn't care if it did. and i have said the same thing about if something happened to her, it would be like reading a strangers obituary. i wouldn't feel anything. i would feel bad for fdh. but truthfully, while i know he would be sad, i don't think it would destroy him like it would if anything happened to bs4.

i know damn well that selfish little bitch would come running to me if she had suffered a miscarriage, expecting me to understand and know how to and want to comfort her. nevermind that she laughed happily as i was having mine. she would a million percent expect me to care about hers. that is what gets me. the selfishness of these assholes. they think they can do all the rotten shit they want to us, and we are supposed to love them and be happy that they are paying enough attention to us to be assholes to us. i don't think so, bitch. she really could go crawl in a hole and die. Don't. Care.

DASKRA's picture

I am sorry that your DH has to go through his and your SS. As a nursing I know those medical conditions may require "worst case" type things. They are very serious considering his age. It's like his heart is around 75 years old already. That's not good. I am sorry that you have been hurt so bad by your skid that you don't have feelings for him. I guess I would consider myself, considering the type of profession I have chosen as well, it indicates that I have very strong feelings toward other’s that are sick, regardless of my relationship with them. That's just who I am. It would be very hard for me to not be concerned about someone. Not all people have the ability to love others and I respect that. I wish you and your family the best.

GoldenGoose's picture

This is honestly how I feel about my husband's kids. My SD30 just went through a horrific bed bug (and lice) infestation. The woman who has 4 kids, is married and SHOULD have a job, expected everyone to rally and send money for the purchase of new mattresses and the exterminator. Yeah, well, she calls my DH a sperm donor and is the consummate PASinator. Yeah, I didn't care..... I can't tell people that i didn't care, because they would think I was heartless, but I didn't. When she suddenly realized we weren't sending her anything, she wrote on a FB photo that I posted of her father, "oh there is DH's first name, my "father.". Whatever..... His family is giving him the cold shoulder because we didn't rescue her, yet again....

LRP, after enduring crap, over and over, we just get numb.