Schn0F1ake's picture

Hi! I'm totally new to this blog and looking for a place to vent a bit.
I have 3 step kids and three of my own. Six in total--the drama never stops!
My oldest step-monster is 17. She would go months without talking to her dad and ignoring his txt messages, only to call him the moment she wanted money.
She totally disowned her dad over materialistic reasons(because he wouldn't bow to her demands) and now she's back in town staying with my in-laws and milking them for all they're worth.
We're planning to drive to the in-laws for a visit tonight and I am dreading her pissy attitude, balk stabbing, and obnoxious sense of entitlement.
My mother always told me there were two kinds of people in the world. Predators and Prey. I'll bet you can guess which one she is. And what that makes me.
I have a tender heart and I get my feelings hurt so easily I just dread being around her. But I don't want to let on to the in-laws--or the step-monster--that I am the prey.

So today I hearkened back to a book I once read. I think it was called, How to Hug a Porcupine--or something like that. I made myself a bingo game in preparation for our trip. A bratty, asshatty, step-monster, conversation bingo game. Every time she says something particularly horrid, I mark it. and if I get a BINGO, I get a prize.
And I don't think it'll take much convincing to get the hubs on board with this little game. Maybe if one of us gets blackout we can end the visit early. Now THAT would be a prize!

Drac0's picture

I love the BINGO idea too! I'm about to go on a camping trip and having a Bingo card to mark off the idiotic things that SS is going to say will help make this trip somewhat less painful