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To SM of adult kids. What would you do in this situation

LONGTIME SM's picture

History - Adult stepdaughter (40 ish) stopped talking to us about seven years ago when she didn't get some of husbands inheritance. Except for numerous adult temper tantrums and name calling over the phone there has been little if any contact with her father over the years. The only exception being whenever she needed services at no charge performed by dear old dad. In our last ( and only) phone call about 4 years or so ago, adult step called me names, told me I was a horrible person, informed me I was nothing to her, accused me of keeping her father from her even after he personally tod her that wasn't true but claimed she had rights to my children at the time because she shared blood. I disengaged and have not dealt with her in years except for peripheral drama she kept causing by her continued attempts to interfere in my children's lives over the years and her and her brothers periodic tirades with their father. I have enjoyed not having to deal with her drama.

Issue at hand - my children are adults now (20 ish). Stepdaughter was never close with them even before the fallout some years ago. However, Adult 40 SD is still determined to push a relationship. My oldest recently got engaged which seemed to be just another catalyst to set SD off again.

I held an engagement party for my daughter and her fiancé in my house. We did not include SD or her brother on the guest list. SD was attempting to arrange a meeting with my children that weekend ( they haven't met up as of yet and I really don't know if they want to do this) so In doing so I assume she saw some social media posts about the Party.

Of course the predictable happens. She sends my child and my husband poor me texts. However in my husbands text she goes further accusing me of hating her and making her appear to be nothing presumably because she wasn't invited. She tells my husband that I had "won" years ago, that I'm a horrible person, that I hate her, and wonders how I can sleep at night - all because I did not invite her to a party for my child and her fiancé that I had at my house. SD conveniently forgets that she caused all of the drama that led to my disengagement to begin with. Now it's only because I hate her. She's the pathetic victim in all of this and she's saying I am evil and orchestrated everything against her just because I hate her. I have never told her anything ugly even when she repeatedly called me names and threw accusations at me. It is interesting to me that she equates not being invited as me making her not "count" or "invisable" It seems like she is trying to make a party that had nothing to do with her all about her and her issues with her dad which she can't seem to resolve.

Keep in mind that she and her brother have a history of disrupting family wedding events in the past over perceived slights that she or her brother felt they suffered. For example they disrupted an engagement party and a rehearsal dinner of one of their cousins because they weren't invited to one of them and because they felt the family had done more for the cousin than it did when they married. I dread inviting them to anything wedding related for my child because I simply do not want the drama and I know they will not be happy that 20 years earlier their parents did not do what I am able to do for my child today. I feel this will be the inevitable result because they repeatedly have expressed jealousy in the past of what I do for my children - even though they were middle aged adults at the time. It is also seems extremely hypocritical to me since SD actually sent us an invitation to her wedding many years ago but then called my husband and told him NOT to GO.

It was planned to invite the adult steps to the wedding only ( there will be a security guard there) . It was agreed amongst my family that they would not be invited to the more intimate parties and showers because no one wants their drama and there are no guarantees that they will behave and not start something. I am the one footing the bill for my child's wedding so I felt this was more than generous on my part especially since we want to enjoy the events and not deal with their drama.

Upon discussing the texts, My child suggests her father contacting SD and asking her if she really expected to be invited to a party in someone's home with the level of hostility she has openly expressed for that person and the fact that she's never made any attempt to apologize or change anything in all of this time. It was also suggested that her father should tell her that she only makes the entire situation worse by continuing to send the accusatory emails she just sent. I thought it was very good advice and passed this message on to my husband.

It remains to be seen whether he will follow through. I doubt it as he immediately wanted to rope me into meeting with her with him. I told him absolutely not.

I know that his refusal to address this behavior from the adult steps in the past is why their drama continues every time someone in our family does anything. So I remain firmly disengaged.

I guess what I would like opinions on are. 1. Would you have left them off of your guest list in this situation,
2. Would you follow through and not invite them to the more intimate events given their past history and now their recent behavior, 3. Would you now keep them on the wedding invitation list?


hismineandours's picture

I would leave them off all the lists. If you haven't spoke to them in years there's really no relationship there and no reason for them to come.

LONGTIME SM's picture

I agree but my child getting married felt we should invite them because she is worried about SD causing problems with her in the future. She thought inviting her would appease her and hoped she would behave. Looks like it's turning out the way I figured it would. The adult steps will try to cause problems no matter what we do. Nothing we have ever done has been acceptable to them and I am their scapegoat.

Based upon past behavior, I predict that the result of their father approaching them in the manner my daughter suggested will only result in a massive temper tantrum and more mud slinging and accusations towards me from SD and my husband will slink away with his tail down.
I honestly do not think she has the capacity to recognize her part in any of this.

Their lack of a relationship with their father falls on his shoulders and theirs yet none of them want to acknowledge this. SD even bragged to me when I last spoke to her that she deliberately did not invite her father to her or her children's events in an effort to hurt him. Again what hypocrisy to have been proud of deliberately excluding her father to now being offended that her hateful behavior resulted in No invitation to an event in my house. NPD at its finest.

notsobad's picture

"She thought inviting her would appease her and hoped she would behave. Looks like it's turning out the way I figured it would. The adult steps will try to cause problems no matter what we do."

You've answered your own question. You know that nothing you or anyone does will appease them. Inviting them only gives them an audience.

LONGTIME SM's picture

My bios are upset by the way they have treated us. However, like me and their father, my bios really do not like confrontation and drama.

My youngest would respond back with fire if pushed though. It is harder for my older one. When we discussed the wedding invitations they both informed me that they want only a distant relationship with SD and really don't want one with Adult SS at all given the disgusting text he sent my oldest bio while she was a minor in high school and his threats to beat up their father when their dad expressed his anger over the text.

My oldest informed me that the only reason she was inviting them was to try to keep the peace as she will have to deal with them in the future.

My oldest, the bride to be, has however, always expressed that she resented the steps continuous attempts to place them in the middle and based upon what my bio told me last night I know that if SD keeps trying to create drama with me , her dad, or her over anything wedding related, she will be quick and final about cutting the steps out of everything for good. Once the decision is made she will not waffle. She's pretty decisive. So the step adults continued nastiness may end up causing the opposite reaction instead of providing adult SD the attention she's craving. It's a long engagement......

notsobad's picture

To be honest I would admit to hating SD. Tell anyone who asked that you hate her behaviour, her rudeness, her victimization and you don't want her negativity in your life.
Be straight up and say you weren't invited to my house because I hate you. When she becomes all righteous and says I knew it! Agree with her and tell her it doesn't change a thing, she's still not invited to your house.

Tell them that DH is more than welcome to have a relationship with her but that you won't.

Be the biotch SD claims you are and people will stop expecting you to have anything to do with her. When her name comes up everyone will say ssshhhh, we don't want to upset Longtime, she hates SD. And voila you never have to deal with her again.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Lol. But I honestly don't hate her. I just want no part of her drama and chose not to entertain or be around someone who constantly creates it.

LONGTIME SM's picture

This is the poor pitiful text she sent:
Hey dad. Hope your doing well.
I don't need anything. Nor am I wanting to argue.
I just wanted to let you know that my girls are my life & I think it's so sad that they are treated like nothing all Bc LSM hates me. It hurts me so bad. And for the life of me, I cannot understand how you could let any of us, much less my children be treated as if none of us exist.
I will always love LSM's children. ALWAYS!!!Regardless of what wedge LMS puts between us. But as usual, I'll do it from a far. Just like she wants it.
LSM won long ago dad. What more does she plan on doing to me & my girls?
How can she sleep at night? Bc whether she realizes it or not, she is hurting her children too. I'm not a bad person.

No need to say anything.
I just had to get that off my chest. Not that it matters tho.

What do you think?

LONGTIME SM's picture

I will NEVER trust her or her brother again. There's no going back on that one. At most I could pull off a polite superficial conversation. That's it. While I don't hate her I will never like the Drama she constantly creates and will always have to assume her actions will be just another form of manipulation.

Frankly I do not understand why she feels the need to be at war or in competition with me and why there had to be winners or losers. Why adult steps think that this behavior will end up in a positive result for them escapes me. If they win they bust up a marriage and dear old dad now becomes their burden - which you know they really don't want. If they lose, they typically lose their dad. Neither result is what I would think they really want but their hatred of SM is sooooo strong they are determined to go down that path anyway.

My adult SD also let me know in our last conversation that she viewed her dealings with me as a competition that she was determined to win. I was astounded by this as I had no idea that she felt the need to one up me so bad. Hearing this from her let me know that nothing will ever change.

I really don't think SD has the capacity to be civil to me so no I doubt there is anything she would say that would even be remotely pleasant.
I mean it's not "normal" thinking to expect to be invited into someone's home after you have verbally disparaged them repeatedly. And she knows that it is my house - not daddy's.
To think that her "blood relationship" would automatically give her a pardon on her deliberate aggressive and hateful behavior is Defintely Skewed logic IMHO.

But I've seen this same logic from her brother before when he called up his daddy demanding that I use my professional contacts to get him a job a few years ago because as he put it " he was his fathers son".

Their thinking and logic is definitely not normal - seems very NPD to me.

notsobad's picture

Yes DD I'm doing fine.

I'm glad you don't need anything or want to argue.

I'm so happy that your girls are your life. I'm happy that your children fulfil you and that you live your life for them. I'm sure that the love that you give them is so much more than anything LSM could ever give them, she after all isn't blood and so isn't even related to them.

I'm also sad that you are so hurt and sad. I can't change your feelings, only you can change how and what you feel.

It's good that you will always love LSMs children, they are after all my children too. I'm happy that you'll always love them, from afar.

Yes, LSM is a winner. She always has been, she knows how to let go of things that are toxic and dramatic. I don't think she has any plans for you or your girls, we don't speak of you or your children.

She sleeps very well. Of course the wild monkey sex we have every night can be exhausting so maybe that's why both she and I sleep so well.
LSM would never hurt HER children, the ones she's blood related to. I know you are not a bad person.

Glad you were able to get all this off your chest, even though your first sentence was that you didn't want to argue. I hope you can see that I've just agreed with everything you said and I don't want to argue either.

And so that is what I think, even thought you said I didn't need to say anything but then asked what I think.

See I can be passive aggressive too!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This latest round of SD hostility seems like a desperate ploy for attention and relevance during a time that should be about the bride. Jealous much? Her text is classic narcissism - memememeIIIIIIIMAHBAYBEEZvictimz. No acknowledgement of her own culpability, no proposed solution to end the stalemate. Zero insight, even after all these years. I hope your DH responds, and gives it to her with both barrels.

Your SD shows very clearly that she still harbors resentment towards you. I wouldn't want that loose cannon around on such a special day.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Thanks exjulie....

I agree I think both adult steps as well as BM are narcissists. I also noted that despite all of her attempts to claim indignation for her children it screamed of " all about meeeeee".

Acratopotes's picture

hummm no I will never invite them, this is your daughters day, not yours and not SD's..... if your DD wants to invite her then so be it, just skip poison in her food at the reception.

I doubt your DD would want to invite her , so just ignore it Hon, SD choose it this way she can live this way.
If DH demands that SD and SS is invited tell him... then you are un invited as well, we do not have to invite them and we do not want them there...
she's no friend of DD so why should she be there?

CANYOUHELP's picture

I will never invite my SD's to anything ever again (okay, if he passes the graveside service), but nothing for our daughter, nothing for me when my family passes...I do not even want them there if I die first, but guess that is his decision to make, ughhhh. The thought of EVER being in the same room with them again makes me nauseas. They are not nice people to me; they never can be.

They do not change; their resentment just manifests regardless of what we do. Ours, does not improve either, given insult after insult (direct or indirect), after a while you stop trying, if you have a brain in your head. You cannot be nice enough, spend enough money, be gracious enough, you just cannot effect or change it, and I have learned the more you try, the bigger fool you end of feeling like, as reality sets in and you read about their real feelings about you on FB, etc. etc. I have even prayed about it, and apparently it is not even God's will.

Make this a beautiful day for your daughter. The ONLY way will be without them, unfortunately.

I know there are successful relationships out there somewhere (though honestly I have yet to see one), but the skids cannot be the jealous, insulting type, like most of us derive so much pleasure from at ST.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Her kids are in their teens. I do feel sorry that their mothers crazy behavior caused this and it resulted in involving them but I also know that these girls were indoctrinated into the hate LSM club when they were quite young by both SD and BM. Unfortunately it is what they made it yet they will never see it that way. The adult steps will always assume that just because they think they share a drop of blood with my children that I and their father should be a doormat for them. They think Their perceived rights should always trump ours even if it means having access to my home or my money. Just crazy logic. It's hard to believe even as I type this. To a normal person it's just so outlandish and ludicrous.

2badsosad's picture

If your daughter wants her there then she should be invited. If she really doesn't want her there then I'd say no. It sounds like she's been awful for years. The type of person who can't accept responsibility for their actions. If she wants to treat people poorly, then this is the reaction she will get. You should feel zero remorse of her behavior because I am sure you tried and tried for many years to make it work. The perception a step child has over the evil step mother is something that can be very difficult to overcome. Often times coming from the bio-mother or their own insecurities of the step mother stealing daddy away.

LONGTIME SM's picture

This is probably how my husband will handle it. Unfortunately my step adults don't have a normal thought process so we'll probably have to see it escalate into more crazy like the niece did a few years ago during her wedding.

LONGTIME SM's picture

I totally agree. He should have dealt with it more effectively than he has. Not that he hadn't tried. Step adults are relentless - like pit bulls fighting over a bone. They refuse any compromise It has to be what they want when they want it. I know he's had conversations with them about these unresolved issues at least 1/2 dozen times over the past 7-8 years and a few times prior to that. I will agree he has not been the best parental figure to any of his children. He would rather browbeat me than be the bad guy to any of his kids including our bios.

I also agree he shouldn't dump this on me - and also agree that his showing me this garbage from her is an attempt to guilt trip me into "fixing" it for him which unfortunately for all of them will no longer work on me.

I've had enough garbage from all of them. So as to whether he can live with it or not I no longer care. I just know I'm not going to.