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No skids in our wedding?

SLands's picture

We (F45, M52) have been together 10 years and are finally getting married. He has 2 skids (F26, F32) that have been handfuls over the years. They thrive on emotional blackmail where they don't speak to him for months and then text lengthy, blaming diatribes when he doesn't grovel to get them back. The younger one is also prone to tantrums when she's not the center of attention, especially during emergencies or major health crises (like with DH's elderly parents.)

On top of this SD26 is getting married 2 weeks before us. The dates are so close together because both SDs quit talking to us for months surrounding the engagement and they decided to postpone 6 months and scheduled on top of ours.

And this is my first wedding and I am having the full shebang. Dinner, dancing, cocktail party, the works. 

SD32 hadn't spoken to us in a year. DH's father died a few months ago. She hadn't seen Grandpa in more than a year, didn't call either grandparent and wish them a happy thanksgiving, and didn't even send DH a "sorry for your loss" text. Neither girl helps care for his parents, despite the fact that they took those girls in and treated them as their own. (DH adopted them when they were 2 and 7. They're actually BM's from previous relationships, but DH's family has always treated them the same as other gkids.)

So far I haven't been invited to participate in any of SD26 wedding festivities. I frankly don't care but it makes it pretty obvious where I stand. (BM and Her family and I get along fine. We're actually kind of friends, despite her kids' bad behavior.)

I decided from day one that I didn't want either SD in the wedding at all. Because of their history of fits when they're not the center of attention and tendency to withhold communication as punishment I didn't want to give them that much power over our wedding day. I didn't make a big pronouncement-I just didn't ask them to be in it. It's starting to dawn on his family, including them, that they're not involved.

SD32 has lied about DH, caused huge drama at a nephews birthday forbidding DH to participate and didn't even acknowledge his father's death. A fringe relative (pushy aunt) of his nagged her into showing up for gdad's memorial. She hung with her mom and her family and wouldn't speak to DH or I. She tried to play the sympathy card with other family members but it's wearing thin.

We didn't send SD32 a save the date card and currently we're not planning inviting her to the wedding. That's causing some friction in the extended family, including with my mother. They think we should invite her but if DH and her aren't speaking, I don't want him stressed out and upset about it with her sulking across the room during our wedding day. Originally I thought we SHOULD invite her to keep the peace but after she didn't speak at the funeral and hasn't responded to a few olive branches, I'm onboard with not inviting her.

what are your thoughts-invite her or not? Undoubtedly his family will have something to say about it, but ultimately, I just want minimal dram. (DH's extended family is a lot on an ordianary day, so I expect drama.)

BobbyDazzler's picture

This is supposed to be a beautiful, wonderful day for you both.  Why invite people that have a history of causing nothing but drama in your lives with their toxiitity?  Toxic people + alcohol = trouble.  Best of luck and congratulations!

Winterglow's picture

Couldn't agree more. This is your day, invite only people who will rejoice. The rest of them can go be miserable elsewhere. 

Your wedding day should be a HAPPY day and you should only want people who are happy for you there. Invite nobody else. 

JRI's picture

If you invite her, you can almost certainly guarantee some kind of drama.  That's what happened at SGD's wedding reception altho, unfortunately, she could not avoid inviting her mom, SD60, to her wedding.


caninelover's picture

Skip the drama.  Enjoy your day and congrats.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Invites are up to you and your stb DH; no one else. Avoid the drama. This day is about the bride and groom. Congratulations!

AgedOut's picture

"We only want to share our special day with those who love us and want to share in our happiness. I'm sure you understand" then change the subject.

sandye21's picture

This is simple and direct.  The less said, the less to be misinterpreted.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Don't invite these women who are estranged from your fiance and don't like you. Not a single good thing could possibly come of it. If after ten years things haven't improved, then it's time to quit chasing them. Quit listening to the peanut gallery, too. Next time anyone brings them up, assume a little victim status, shake your head sadly and say "It's such a painful subject, but we're respecting the SDs' choice not to be in our life." Put the onus on these hateful adults, then change the subject.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

That's right on. I am on 8 years and I am resigned. Special days with the people love you- this special day is about you, NOT them for once. 

reedle2021's picture

I believe I would leave his daughters off the guest list and anyone else from his side of the family who has caused any drama in the past.  This is both of your special day and it shouldn't be ruined by anyone.