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My story

lawyergirl06's picture

So many people have shared their stories I feel compelled to share my own.

I grew up bouncing between homes until I was in my late teens. Early childhood with mom, early adolescent with dad, then late teens with mom and stepdad. I always seemed to get along with my step dad and his son and for the most part I was a good kid (I imagine he would say differently but who knows) and these days we are extremely close.

So fast forward to this year, prior to meeting SO I was pretty sure I didn't want a kid. I had a few really bad years of dating and didn't meet anyone I could consider procreating with. Additionally I had very specific rules about dating people with children. It wasn't anything I was ever going to be interested in. Then I met SO and my brain deferred to my heart so here I am.

SO has four children. He was married to BM (who we call warthog) for 12 years and with her for 15. She was a licensed mental health practioner for the past ten or so and apparently did quite well for herself. She was always a drinker, but in the past 5 years or so her drinking got out of control. It started out that she would work late hours Monday through Thursday and then would drink Friday to Sunday. Fine, as long as she wasn't going to work drunk, right....I mean it wasn't like she had four kids at home to take care of.

According to SO (and her brother, my coworker) things just went from bad to worse. First she would get drunk and wet the bed, the car seat, wherever she happened to be when she passed out. Then, as her drinking got worse, she started engaging in very risky sexual behaviors. She would masturbate in front of windows when she was drunk, she would pass out on the living room floor half naked and would get physically violent with SO and the kids. Over time her drinking got so bad that she ended up working and seeing patients while she was drunk. Her patients would say that you never knew which BM you were getting the nice one or the crazy one. She has been to treatment three times now (she is currently in a treatment program that is not voluntary).

After SS4 was born, SO was planning to leave her but didn't want to leave the kids. He has a minor felony conviction from when he was 19 so he was afraid that he wouldn't get custody or get to see the kids. She was a professional and had a great deal of experience with manipulation so he stayed out of fear, both for their relationship and their safety. When SD2 was born things went off the rails.

She was reported for drinking while seeing clients and her license to practice was suspended. She entered into a stipulation which caused her to go to treatment the first time. It didn't take. Her license was then revoked for practicing without a license. She has had three separate mental health holds and was finally committed this past month. In June of last year he filed but allowed her to stay in the home to take care of the kids during the day. This was after she completed treatment and swore she was sober. Then she started drinking again (it turns out she never stopped) and he would find her passed out when he came home at lunch with SS4 (who was 2.5 then) and SD2 (6 mos.) totally unattended.

The final straw came when she started bringing guys home that she met at the bar while SO and the kids were asleep upstairs. They lived in a 6,000 sq foot home so he only found out when she showed him pictures of her new "man" on her cell phone and he recognized them as being taken in his home. He kicked her out and she moved in with the new bf and her reign as queen of crazy town continued. She and her bf broke into the house (even though a CO said she wasn't allowed to be there) and stole nearly $5k worth of items which she then lost when new bf kicked her ass out for being a lunatic.

She then moved in with new bf's stepdad and started a relationship with him. He lives in a rental property that is owned by her parents who are "slumlords" basically. While living with both the old and new bf's she continued to email and text SO asking to get back together. At first he would tell her that she was insane but then it got to a point where disengaging was the only option. He blocked her from calling or texting and the only communication they had was through email.

We met in May when I started this job and were set up by her brother. Neither of us knew it was a set up at the time. I had just ended a two year relationship with an alcoholic cocaine addict (I was an idiot who thought I could save him) so if I had known it was a set up I wouldn't have gone. We met and at first I didn't really like him but we all ended up going back to his house and I fell in love with his kids. It didn't take long for me to fall in love with him though, given the fact that he is the sweetest and most generous person I have ever known.

So now here we are...BM is a nutbag. She calls me every name in the book, I am a loser, a slut and a whore. I am fat and ugly and the fact that I am 35 and not married with no children means I am probably a closet lesbian. I have no business taking care of her kids (as if she has done anything in that department for years) and I probably have an STD that I am not telling him about. I am worthless and no wonder he chose me because after her he would have to lower his standards.

Here is the funny thing, she doesn't pay child support. She hasn't been able to hold down a job for over a year and her last job was for two weeks as a waitress which she lost because she showed up to work drunk. She has done considerable damage to her body and her brain and has put on more than a 100 lbs since she left due to drinking. She barely makes it to her visits and drives illegally to get there. She has five criminal charges pending and is under a mental health commitment because she has been deemed mentally ill and dangerous. Her kids haven't seen her in over two months because before she was committed she was too drunk to attend her visits. She has an STD she told no one about and has been, from our understanding, bringing men home to her little apartment with her boyfriend and engaged in sex with one of them while he was recovering from appendectomy surgery. She has been prevented from having unsupervised calls or visits with the kids because the judge believes she is dangerous.

And yet, even though all of these things are the case, I'm the loser, slut whore....can we say delusional anyone?


Annanymous's picture

That is such a sad story, I hope your BM is able to get the help she needs. Mental illness can be debilitating and alcoholism can, obviously, destroy people and families. Before she got so sick, she must not have been that bad for him to be with her for 15 years with four kids. He also kept making new kids after she went downhill with alcohol, so he cannot claim pure innocence.

Even with her illness, she is still their mother so you can see how battling and failing with these two diseases can really be devastating and then watching another woman step into your life with your DH and kids is a downward spiral, then if the divorce was not final yet before you and SO got together? Just another nail in her coffin; really, can you blame her for hating you?

I really hope she is able to pull out of the rock bottom and get sober and get both her illnesses under control so she can function and get back to her kids. So so sad. Of course I am sure it is difficult for you to deal with too, but sounds like even her brother and her husband dropped her when she had problems and she is really hitting bottom and spinning out of control, so to speak.

lawyergirl06's picture

She is. I would give anything for her to get better but she denies that either is a problem. I sincerely do hope she gets better because her kids need her. I'm just not holding my breath.

Willow2010's picture jumped out of the pan and into the fire huh? Be careful. She does not sound all there.

lawyergirl06's picture

LOL, no shit right? As my mom says, when it comes to making life complicated, I never half ass it.

firecrackerz12's picture

You have a lot to deal with. A lot coming as well. She is sick in every sense. The kids are the ones that will be affected the most. It is so sad.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

That's a very sad story. Someone close to me has also battled alcoholism and it is so destructive and heartbreaking to watch.

RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, so very sad. Sorry you have to be stuck in the middle of that horrible situation. I hope she gets the help she needs. Alcoholism is a nasty beast. Both of my parents suffer as well as a lot of other family members and I have to watch myself with it too. When I start, sometimes I don't know when to stop and I do stupid shit.

I do feel for you. Thanks for sharing your story.

lawyergirl06's picture

It is hard to watch, and I am only privy to the information second hand. I decided this morning that the best thing for me to do is disengage from any feelings about her at all. It makes me feel badly about myself everytime I think horrible things about her because I know she is sick. I feel worst for her mom who has taken me on as a psuedo daughter because of my relationship with the kids. I keep her at a reasonable distance and try to be as supportive as possible (Gma) but I don't want to get wrapped up in the drama anymore. As I told SO, your divorcing wife, your problem.

RedWingsFan's picture

That's probably best for you in this case. I couldn't stay engaged with her if I were you. Too sad and frustrating. She's ruining her life and making life difficult for all of those involved with her. Best not to take y'all down with her right?

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Not trying to be Ms. Morbid, but if she keeps this up, she will likely be dead soon. My husband's ex lives a party girl lifestyle, starting having kids at 14 (3 by the time she was 19) and is looking a bit ROUGH at 40. Ouch! She looks about 60. Smoking, drinking and drugging will do that do she claims to have a liver problem. Who knows if that is true.

Our stories are a bit parallel. My husband is a freaking PROFESSIONAL that had two kids with a bat shit crazy person on drugs, felony DUIs, stolen property, B & E etc. Broke into our home 15 years ago and pawned her kids TV/VCR/movies/etc. She just a sad, pathetic, POS. It is so embarassing to even be associated with this nonsense.

Frustr8d1's picture

Same here. DH is a "freaking PROFESSIONAL that had a kid with a bat shit crazy person!" How do you deal with the embarrassment? DH gets all spun up every time we even have to mention this criminal BM so we can't even have a civil discussion about what to do about BM. I know the mere mention of BM just sets him off so bad, probably because he is SO embarrassed about her. Guess I don't blame him.

rosie33's picture

:jawdrop: kudos to you for even staying!!! wow. Unfortunately she IS digging her own grave and her kids are gonna be the ones who end up hurt. I hope for her kids sake she gets it together. She makes it extremely obvious how jealous she is and how much her rants have no validity simply by not being able to get her life together - I deal with the same thing. My BF's BM/ExW was the same, great RN, blew her career for drugs, went to psych ward and rehab, still can't get her life together, doesn't work and is still on pills…idk how these women can't find motivation in their children to be better mothers - it boggles my mind - yet they are sooooo pissed when someone does show their kids what a good mother is and its not them. Hard lesson to learn, I get it, but completely avoidable. Good luck with her and hang in there!

IronRose's picture

:jawdrop: Holy biscuits, there Rosie33! Be sure to put that in the Crazy BM Stories thread. It's a winner, for sure!