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My 2 StepHorrors

LauraKR's picture

My husband and have been married for 3 months and have been together for nearly 8 years. We are very happy together and love each other desperately.
Now for the bad bit!
I don't have any children myself but my husband has 2 daughters aged 24 and 22.
I met them for the first time as I say nearly 8 years ago (they were 16 and 14 then)and unfortunately they hated me on sight.
I thought at the time that it was just teenage stuff/puberty/maybe a bit spoiled from recently divorced parents/jealousy ect. Incidentally I was not the cause of their parents break up. Their mother had an affair and the marriage ended.
To cut a long story short, these 2 young women (I cannot contemplate referring to them as my stepdaughters)have done everything to split us up over the years. They have nearly succeeded a couple of times I'm ashamed to admit.
The final straw was when their father told them we were getting married this year. They came to our house and spent 4 hours crying and screaming at us and telling me I wasn't his type and that he still had feelings for an old girlfriend! The list of dreadful things they said to us both that day is endless, they tried every trick in the book to stop us getting married. They didn't come to our wedding because we didn't want them there. This may sound very dramatic but I was very ill over this and am only now just starting to feel like my old self again. I am not a weak or timid person, in fact I am just the opposite but the 8 years of hell they have given us just caught up with me I think.
I look back over these years and wonder what I did wrong and I think I could have maybe tried harder with them or been less bothered by their behaviour but I just couldn't bear the way they treated their father, the man I love, and so I distanced myself from them rather than cause a major row. Unfortunately their father doesn't feel the way he should about them now because of their behaviour and the fact that he has no understanding of the type of people they seem to have become.He says he can't relate to them and I can see why. I sometimes wonder if its all just about jealousy. I'm a good bit younger than my husband and I wonder if that has played a part. They probably would have liked someone a bit more "mumsy" no offence to any mum's reading this I am only using it for descriptive purposes!
I haven't had a relationship with them over the years and I won't have one in the future, its best for everyone. Their father see's them once a fortnight for a couple of hours, mainly out of duty and a deep sense of guilt for how they have turned out. I don't know what the future holds for the 3 of them, maybe one day they will realise what they have done and what they have lost.
Apologies for sounding off for so long!


novemberm's picture

I really do not think they would have liked ANYONE! Based upon their actions, and reactions to your marriage news, they are not ever going to accept their father having a woman in his life. They want to be the ONLY women in his life. You did not do anything wrong.

Your husband is dealing with them very well, I may add! He reminds me of my boyfriend, who has 2 boys, 18 and 19, and a girl, 22. They are horrible, nasty people. Up until about 4 or 5 months ago, my boyfriend was their personal bank and jumped every time they contacted him. But, their behaviors have gotten worse over the months, and my boyfriend finally realized that he is nothing more to them than a way to get money or things they want. He stopped doing that, and now we do not hear from them at all. He still sends birthday cards, but he has set a small budget for those and Christmas. They are NOT at all happy about this, as they are so greedy and mean.

My boyfriend has guilt, and feels that sense of duty, just like your husband. But, we are very lucky they realized what their children are truly like.

Stay strong, and remember, this is NOT ABOUT YOU.

LauraKR's picture

I can hardly believe so many people have had these same issues. I don't no whether to be sad or glad! I have just read the last 2 comments above and just wanted to thank you both for taking the time and effort to say those very supportive things.
Their father has been much stronger with them since the wedding but i know what you mean about the screaming fit, he should have stepped in that day but then i too should have put a stop to it. Never again! They will never get any more air time from me. They too tell their father that he doesn't know me and that they know what an awful person i am and they know best. He's allowed them to treat him like an idiot for too long.
What an awful situation you had at your wedding you poor thing. We decided not to have them at our wedding because we weren't sure how they'd behave and also because they didn't wish us well. Seems a silly reason given that they hate me. Why would they wish us well i ask you! Regarding the money thing, yes they have had way too much of everything all of their lives and they now say he owed it too them and they have no need to be grateful because he's been such a dreadful father. Needless to say he has been just the opposite.
Just realised this is an American site, how exciting!
We have the same problems with stepchildren over here chaps.

LauraKR's picture

Yes I'm over here in England looking out at rain and hail stones at the moment!
To be honest they kicked off big time when we told them we didn't want them at the wedding and I felt awful about it at the time. Since then I have come to realise that they only wanted to come to cause us upset, not because of any great love they have for their father. They have continued to spout awful things at us and have behaved appallingly since the wedding so I actually don't worry about not having them there now. They came to visit their grandmother last weekend and my husband told her not to mention the wedding and hide the wedding pics for fear of upsetting them. For god sake its as bad as saying "don't mention the war"! I'm afraid i said that we are married now and they just need to get over it for god sake.
I suppose I should be grateful that they don't live with us and that my husband is so supportive of the situation.
Hope things get better for you soon too.

LauraKR's picture

I know what you mean about his fear of them. He would never admit it but he is very scared of the confrontation. I'm afraid i am just so past caring what they think these days. The fact is we are married whether they like it or not. They are not children, they are adults - they need to get over it.
Can't get over your snowstorm! Locusts - oh my god! Have never seen one, never want to see one!
I thought you'd be basking in glorious sunshine out there!

Desparte housewife's picture

My husband is totally afraid of his kid. His kid has taken over the household and bosses my husband around. The whole thing is pathetic and I am very frustrated. My SS is an only child whom has been spoiled rotten and has no respect for adults. I could see the writing on the wall with all of this.