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Update: Little Prince got a job!

LARoman62's picture

I was gobsmacked to find out my bf's 24 yo son suddenly got a job *shok* I have no idea what lit a fire under his ass.  He was MIA for 2+ days, but I wasn't complaining.  The house had a calmer feel and I was basking in it.  Apparently his mom helped him look online for a job.  He got up on time and went.  With the way things are they hired him on the spot at the restaurant, even without any work history.  They said he'd make $20./hr as a waiter, I don't buy that, but Idgara as long as he got one.  Mom of course bought him new work clothes, and put money on his card as usual, and dad, one not to be out done by his ex, gave him cash, ugh!  He lasted 2 days before a Persian friend got him a job in a Persian restaurant where he knows the Persian owner.  The kid was offered an assistant manager position at $1,100./wk. because, you guessed it, he is half Persian.  IF he can do a good job for 5 days the job is his and can pick his own schedule pretty much.  I'm told this is the "Persian way".  Weird, but who cares.  On the first day his son was out at work my bf had a huge stick up his ass, like he was detoxing from being a "helicopter dad".  We had such a blow out, and I told him I was leaving.  Things calmed down by the next morning.  I have my eye on a small piece of land down south.  There is a small inheritance in process that I need in order to pay for the tiny house to go on it.  Gotta lay low and keep my mouth shut for now.  I just don't know how long this calm will last.  Now that his son is working he wants my time and attention... until the kid gets home.  Then it's, "time to watch sports with my son"... and yet another game  *dash1* 365 days/yr..  I have almost no interest in most of them and go in another room.  I can't imagine when he finally gets married and moves out (cause he's not leaving before then, just like dear old dad did).  My bf will have a complete breakdown.  By then mommy will be gone and so will his son.  I feel sorry for that kid's wife because they text and call each other all day long.


justmakingthebest's picture

At first I reading I thought this was a celebration post... I waited tables in college and made good money. More than 20/hr on the weekends. However, I busted my butt. I doubt SS feels the needs to do that in general.

I am so sorry your husband doesn't see what he is doing and doesn't give you what you need in your marriage. He is an idiot.

I will say that the prospect of having that land and house just for you is really exciting though! I hope that you find out more soon and can get out of there if that is what you want to do!

LARoman62's picture

Thank God we never married.  We talked about it several months ago.  I learned from my first one not to do it again.  My mom always taught me to keep my money separate from any man, husband or not.  She also said to keep a bank account just for emergencies they don't know about.

''My bf is far too codependent to accept how distructive his behavior is.

CLove's picture

Get that land, and GTFO, get your peace of mind.

Yea, here also, in my resort town, there are some cultural biases. And loads of restaurants. But Feral Forger SD22, because no drivers lic-sense - can only get a job at a local IHOP hostessing. After working at several restaurants, including Dennys, as a full waittress. Oh, yeah and because Backstaber/Munchkin sprained her thumb, thats why only Well, baby steps, right?